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Re: The one word song title transference game
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

pianoguy wrote:
COUNTRY Comfort:

Nelly - COUNTRY Grammar

Posted on: 2018/7/31 22:16
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Re: First Upgrade Finished!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
it has screws.

Or you coulda just gotten one of those fancy driving shoes ;)

I tried and tried, but couldn't find the fb post/picture. Lucky you! I think you probably remember what I'm talking about.

Posted on: 2017/4/26 18:12
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Re: Shocking News... A Decision Has Been Made
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
Virgil gave up on the yellow subs?

He gave up on them soon after that pic was taken. He had salvaged them out of Caitlin's Honda, but said they didn't sound that great. But I think he yanked them from all the crap Phil and I gave him.

Driving your new ride to Suzy's tonight?

Posted on: 2017/4/12 18:23
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Re: Shocking News... A Decision Has Been Made
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

TommyT-Bone wrote:

I challenge Andy to keep his wrenches and screwdrivers off it for a month. Just drive it. lol

Too late - yellow subwoofers are in!

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Just kidding, this isn't Andy's car, and the yellow subs are gone! ;)

Posted on: 2017/4/11 20:07
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Re: Charlotte and/or Raleigh, NC?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Thanks Andy!

I'm gonna use Google maps to find the fastest route DC >> Myrtle Beach for Friday morning.

I want to take a different route for the return Sat/Sun. Leisure trip so not necessary to bee-line going back.

I found out this is going on in Charlotte this weekend, so the die may* be cast:

*Caitlin might have an appointment(s) to view property this weekend, in which case this road trip may get postponed for a diff weekend.

Posted on: 2017/4/4 21:41
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Charlotte and/or Raleigh, NC?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I'll be driving from Myrtle Beach, SC to DC this weekend. I want to stop somewhere in NC.

Is there anything I shouldn't miss, or anything I should specifically avoid?

I'll be leaving Saturday late morning, thinking of crashing in NC, then onto DC Sunday morning.


Posted on: 2017/4/4 17:22
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Re: Shocking News... A Decision Has Been Made
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
I don't want nav... I got a phone with Google Maps!!!

I hear ya! I do the same, don't use the Nav in either of my so-equipped rides anymore.
But, I do appreciate the fancy double-DIN touch screens of today.
Kinda wish I hadn't bought the NAV module for the Pioneer in the C5. I guess it's good that it's there as a back up (ironic as I used to consider my smart phone as the back-up).

Well, if you change your mind, I'll make you a smokin' deal!

Posted on: 2017/3/29 4:25
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Re: Shocking News... A Decision Has Been Made
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Wow, great news!

Does it have nav? I know *someone* with a C6 nav head unit laying around ;)

Posted on: 2017/3/29 0:21
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Shocking News... A Decision Has Been Made
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
The problem? I don't have the time to do the drive...

Surprising as it may seem, I have plenty of vacation time on the books! ;)

Posted on: 2017/3/27 5:31
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Re: Blue Ridge Mountains - suggestions?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2017/3/1 5:28
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Re: Blue Ridge Mountains - suggestions?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
BTW, cities with Marriott properties are preferred ;)

Posted on: 2017/2/28 19:36
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Blue Ridge Mountains - suggestions?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Any suggestions for a weekend getaway, within say 6 hours drive from Metro DC area? Mid-March timeframe.

I was considering Asheville, N.C. but wanted to know if anyone has any ideas for places/cities along the Blue Ridge Mountains I shouldn't miss.


Posted on: 2017/2/28 19:35
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Re: Part needed
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

joeld wrote:
It's been many years since I had my hands on a TH400, but IIRC the 400 had a electric downshift. The 350 was linkage from the carb.


On the 1971 Chevelle, the TH400 electric kick-down switch was supposed to be located near and activated by the accelerator pedal at the bottom of the firewall. Perhaps it's the same on the Corvette.

Mine was missing since I got the car 10 years; but with the poked-and-stroked BBC, I've never really needed it.

Posted on: 2016/10/7 22:31
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Re: bad gas mileage - maybe the O2 sensors
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Have you done a manual calculation of actual miles driven versus actual fuel consumed?

I don't believe the average MPG, as indicated by the DIC, is a "true average MPG" of actual fuel consumption, but rather an average of many samples by the computer of instantaneous fuel consumption.

Posted on: 2016/6/5 6:06
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Silly Clutch Question.... [UPDATED!!!]
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
I will!

Installing the transmission is not a one person job... at least not on a driveway with seams and creases and such! It took me the best part of 90 minutes just to wrestle the trans into place and draw it in with 4 of the 5 bolts (the top one will wait until I do the test!
Did you have help? I guess we shoulda talked... my visitors left Saturday and I actually was available yesterday.

Well, at least I got the battery put back in the Chevelle and took it out for a Sunday cruise!

Posted on: 2015/3/30 17:29
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Re: Post clutch install issue
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
This weekend is a washout... aiming for next, and with all correct OEM parts.


CentralCoaster wrote:
Which day? I'll bring some stuff, if we can't get this done, I'll retire my tools and Corvette and get a prius.

Are you guys shooting for a complete R&R in one day? I think I have a trap shoot Saturday morning, but Sunday is wide open for me (so far).
It looks like the weather is going to cooperate.

Posted on: 2015/3/3 19:04
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Tightening control arm pivot bolts?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
A friend of mine brought up this issue; not something I've ever considered.... ... ll-when-a-bushing-is-bad/
A common error for a technician is to install a control arm, then torque the pivot bolt while still on the four-post lift. While on the lift, the suspension is at the end of its travel. If the technician torques the pivot bolt under those conditions, when the vehicle is lowered, the bushing will be in a constant twist. That condition is a death sentence to the bushing, one that may be carried out at the first good bounce of the suspension. That scenario is not an issue for polyurethane designs. Strut rod and radius arm bushings should be replaced in pairs to prevent great differences in caster between sides.

Real or ultra-conservative issue?

Posted on: 2015/2/27 20:43
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Re: Post clutch install issue
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
I won't know what is up until I take it apart now...

oh, so very exciting... another weekend under my car...
When? This coming weekend is loading up for me and I'm still fine-tuning details. But I may be able to spare a couple hours if the timing is right.
3/7-3/8 is pretty wide open so far except for Chachi's thing.

Posted on: 2015/2/24 20:56
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Re: Silly Clutch Question....
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
it is NOT NelsonV...
But why do I always get mentioned in the same conversations as this guy?! We don't even look alike!

Posted on: 2015/2/5 18:32
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Re: Anyone with some space for small parts between San Diego and San Francisco?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
WooHoo! My first PM on the Guru!

Andy, is there no way to have a PM convo with more than two participants? I mentioned to Eike (Vette91), in PM, that I usually send my gear to your house and it might be best to have his loot shipped to your house, then I can get it from you before he gets here and I meet with him.

Posted on: 2015/1/18 7:58
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Anyone with some space for small parts between San Diego and San Francisco?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Vette91 wrote:
If one of you guys does need some german stuff fitting in average luggage let me know.

A pretty, young German lady.

Posted on: 2015/1/16 18:05
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Re: Anyone with some space for small parts between San Diego and San Francisco?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
Nelson... admit it... you just shot up your monitor because of that incorrect usage of "Frisco".

Posted on: 2015/1/14 22:46
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Re: Anyone with some space for small parts between San Diego and San Francisco?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
It would be my pleasure to assist.

Just a friendly word of advice... don't refer to SF as "Frisco"... at least not to the natives. "The City" will suffice. I was born there, but I don't let it bother me ;)

Posted on: 2015/1/14 21:24
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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You don't have to break your Corvette, Andy
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
You can borrow it any time...

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Posted on: 2014/11/8 2:10
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Re: Failed Smog....
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Codes? Or just failed the sniffer/dyno? I have your scanner in my trunk.

Posted on: 2014/10/16 0:03
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: advice needed on getting lowered car up alignment ramp
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2014/7/30 18:29
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: advice needed on getting lowered car up alignment ramp
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I had the same issue recently. I do a lot more scraping in my daily driving than I would crawling up a silly alignment ramp. Nonetheless, the techs don't want to risk the liability of damaging your ride.

Anyway, I did a google search and found a local alignment shop that specializes in "race vehicles." They had an extended low-profile ramp. Also, there are some alignment machines that are installed in a pit, so no ramp involved.

Posted on: 2014/7/30 18:21
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: just got the best allignment ever
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:I assume the NASCAR alignment is a road coarse setup? Otherwise, right turns could be a bitch!

Posted on: 2014/6/3 22:43
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Re: Convertible Concerns and Questions
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
...also, if you were unaware, the trunk space is very good for a two-seater I was at the rifle range a few weeks ago unloading my gear. Some guy that was walking past just had to stop and gawk at how much stuff was coming out of my trunk!

Posted on: 2014/5/24 18:52
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Convertible Concerns and Questions
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I agree with all of the above. My ride is 16 years old, about 180kmi.

I've never used any special products or washed/dried/treated it any differently than the rest of the exterior.

The leaks Andy speaks of are more attributed to the alignment of the door windows to the seals on the top frame, not the convertible top itself.

As for noise, it's not as loud as my Big Block Chevelle that has no top at all (and sometimes no mufflers ) I just turn up the stereo. But I'd recommend bumming a ride in someone's Roadster for your own subjective analysis.

One other thing... The rear glass did come unattached a couple years ago. Not completely, but it did start to peel away. Quick, easy fix with Gorilla glue that has so far held up. Research tells me it's somewhere between common and uncommon.

Posted on: 2014/5/24 18:46
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Re: Sorry Bro!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I know, I know. But I couldn't resist. And yeah, I'm still laughing at my own predicament.

Posted on: 2014/5/15 22:04
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Sorry Bro!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Resized Image

Posted on: 2014/5/15 20:06
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Re: Stereo Upgrade 2013!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2014/4/10 6:14
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Things keep breaking...
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
When I first saw this thread's title, my first thought was "damn, I hope it's not Andy's car again."



bogus wrote:
Anyone got a spare $70k laying around? I sure as hell don't.

By the way, the lucky streak I mentioned to you and T Wednesday night did in fact continue to my lottery ticket.
Yup, I won a whole buck!
Sorry, I don't have a spare $70K laying around.

Posted on: 2014/3/29 7:09
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Re: Guess what I broke?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2014/3/22 4:26
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

-=Jeff=- wrote:
thanks, yeah I see it now.. now I have to ask:

What model is it and what was done to make it fit the way he did, (what was modded) I am installing the preamp I have, but I might end up with an EQ, but getting it to fit is a challenge, need to decide how much I can modify on one

It is an Audiobahn AEQ8. I did not modify it per se. But, I did custom fabricate the head unit mount to also serve as the faceplate of the preamp which I removed.

Posted on: 2014/3/18 18:02
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Re: C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
There is a Pioneer you need... It's bad ass.
Damn!$1349 for one?!

Posted on: 2014/3/14 5:26
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Re: C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I'd like to find something nicer than what I have, but need to be cautious. My Kenwood plays every file I throw at it (via USB). The Kenwood in Virgil's F350 plays some, but gives a lot of "unsupported file" errors. Likewise with the Alpine in his black car.

Posted on: 2014/3/14 5:13
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Here's the current HU
Kenwood KIV-BT901
It's a "Digital Media Receiver" ...meaning it doesn't play CDs.
Resized Image

Andy, by the way, I think it's time I retire the Zune to my office drawer and for bike rides. I finally loaded a 128Gb thumb drive with music. I just discovered I actually like the user interface (UI) for USB media better than the UI Kenwood put together for controlling the Zune.

Posted on: 2014/3/14 2:04
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Re: C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Matatk wrote:
But how does it sound?

What amp / head unit / etc combo are you running?

Like Andy said, I'm currently using a Kenwood HU for interfacing to my Zune; it's not the greatest, but sounds decent.
This is the McIntosh MX406 HU I used to run, along with an Audiobahn 1/2 DIN Parametric EQ which I am still using. I'm thinking of putting this setup back in one day....
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Oh, and the amplifier....
McIntosh MC4000M
4 X 100W plus 2 X 400W
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These JL Audio 8W7's are now sitting in Andy's office. But they used to sound pretty good in my C5...
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I guess I should change the thread title now since it's gone past my door speakers...

Posted on: 2014/3/13 20:44
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C5 Door Speakers
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Since Andy had my C5 again, he was asking what speakers I had stuffed into my doors. So, I thought I'd share...

This install is over 11 years old.

Tweeter: Dynaudio D28 1" soft dome
Midrange: Dynaudio MD140 3" soft dome
Mid-Bass: 6.5" Scan Speak 18W/8535-00 (these paper cone drivers have since been replaced with some polypropylene Scan Speak drivers)

Those aren't my door panels, just some cheapie salvage ones I had bought for mocking up my install.

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Posted on: 2014/3/12 18:00
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Re: Guess what I broke?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

bogus wrote:
I am planning on calling him later today... as in lunch!

I did some prelims and I think it might work... the math so far is working.... I need some more numbers.

Methinks the biggest issue is whether the shock bodies are close enough in dimensions and mount style. The springs are cheap enough to replace if spring-rates aren't correct. Most of the cost is in the shocks (which are double-adjustable anyway) and the machined parts.

Posted on: 2014/2/28 2:48
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Re: Guess what I broke?
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

BillH wrote:

Ultraman wrote:

You may be famous Andy....Wikipedia says no composite Corvette leaf spring has ever failed.....

Wikipedia is full of chit.

Used springs are under $200 on ebay but I wouldn't.

2 week delivery from Zip on a new Hyperco, Z51 $430


Did you get a chance to call Mark Savitske? If we're close enough with that "other idea" I mentioned last night, $200-$450 for a new or used leaf might end up wasted if it's just a short term fix. I'm not in a huge hurry to get my ride back - I do want it back though, with leaf springs intact ;)


Posted on: 2014/2/27 20:54
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Re: Stereo Upgrade 2013!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
Nice! Virgil said you may now keep the $2.68 postage.

Posted on: 2014/2/25 21:25
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: anyone in socal know where i can get 100oct unleaded
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2014/2/23 6:43
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Gun Show in CT
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
What am I missing? SHOT Show is this week in Las Vegas.

Posted on: 2014/1/17 3:59
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Christmas Day Chat 2013!!!
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I haven't been to sleep yet....still feels like Christmas Eve.


(...and gnight)

Posted on: 2013/12/25 9:04
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: So, this is why getting ammo is such a PITA
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Posted on: 2013/12/24 10:03
One GOD, one nation, eight cylinders.
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Re: Firearm-aholics meeting....step inside....
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245

Matatk wrote:
Nelson, I'd say so!

I'm still casually looking for a 1911. No new pieces for me since the last update.

Yeah, I went a little nuts this year. The legislature of the People's Republik of Kalifornia was threatening my Second Amendment rights. So I had to take some preemptive measures.

Interestingly, the Charles Daly 1911 shown is the only one that doesn't belong to me. My best friend keeps it in my safe. I keep threatening to pay him for it; but for now it's cheaper to borrow.

Posted on: 2013/12/4 5:00
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Re: Firearm-aholics meeting....step inside....
Senior Guru
2008/3/6 18:44
From Sunny Southern CA
Posts: 245
I've recently added a few pieces to my collection. Consequently, time to inventory and update my insurance policy.

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Posted on: 2013/12/4 2:52
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