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Re: Thisday Chat 07.25.24
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I don’t know who made that but it’s funny as all get out. And it fits. I saw that in X a couple days ago and bookmarked it

Posted on: 7/25 23:25
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Thisday Chat 07.25.24
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
So sorry for Ollie. They are family, like our kids.
Sunny here today, looks like it might have rained some during the night, sun was out then I heard thunder and saw dark clouds earlier. I'm sore all over. Boxing class 2 days in a row got me. Tuesdays are heavy cardio/calisthenics days. Wednesdays are stretching/cardio, then either footwork or weights or both and bagwork. Thursdays they'll do lower body, cardio and bagwork. I really need a day in between as stuff like that stresses your body, raising cortisol which is what Im trying to control. 530-8pm yesterday is enough lol

My issues were hip that led to sciatic. Not getting my proper hip therapy allowed that area to be weakened, herniated in the front, plus with hormones off during menopause, that sets most women up for weak hip tendons and gluteal tendinopathy, which I have. Walking with a limp inflamed my SI area. Shots got me back upright and took away my pain which allowed me to be mobile and the support muscles in those area to be strengthened. Literally, and I cannot emphasize this enough - saved my life. I had flat given up and had no more fks to give literally. Done. It's been a 180 for me to say the least. I hate taking meds and pills and crap and prefer to live my life only taking what I have to, or actually need such as my vitamins/supplements and my HRT.

Posted on: 7/25 19:59
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
TommyT-Bone wrote:

After reading that now I'm tired. Going to see a spinal specialist next week to see if he has any suggestions other than PT. PT is not part of my normal routine. But I would accept theraputic massages though. Looking more for analysis of the problem and a helpful medication. My previous hernia site is not very happy about the thought of exercise. I do plenty of moving around and could do more if I felt less pain. I know, I know. Medication just masks the pain. All I can say to that is Happy Halloween.

My issues were hip that led to sciatic. Not getting my proper hip therapy allowed that area to be weakened, herniated in the front, plus with hormones off during menopause, that sets most women up for weak hip tendons and gluteal tendinopathy, which I have. Walking with a limp inflamed my SI area. Shots got me back upright and took away my pain which allowed me to be mobile and the support muscles in those area to be strengthened. Literally, and I cannot emphasize this enough - saved my life. I had flat given up and had no more fks to give literally. Done. It's been a 180 for me to say the least. I hate taking meds and pills and crap and prefer to live my life only taking what I have to, or actually need such as my vitamins/supplements and my HRT.
Sunny here today, looks like it might have rained some during the night. I'm sore all over. Boxing class 2 days in a row got me. Tuesdays are heavy cardio/calisthenics days. Wednesdays are stretching/cardio, then either footwork or weights or both and bagwork. Thursdays they'll do lower body, cardio and bagwork. I really need a day inbetween as stuff like that stresses your body, raising cortisol which is what Im trying to control. 530-8pm yesterday is enough lol

Posted on: 7/25 14:23
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Yep, greatest DEI hire of all time. I think I'll keep my head in the sand till November.
Rainy this morning now sunny and temps climbing, not much happening today. Gym later, not much into it tho after last night's class. Never did that many push ups in my life. 15 secs, as many pushups as you can, 15 secs as many jump squats as you can, 15 secs as many mountain climbers as you can, 15 secs as many jumping jacks as you can, 15 secs as many crunches as you can. then do it all over in 30 sec blocks, then 45 then full minute. I was wore out.

Posted on: 7/24 20:52
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: TUESDAY the 23D
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
good afternoon,
sorry been MIA just kinda stayed occupied with stuff and tried not to stress out over politics. I find out what I need to know, compare that to the info the "q" friends send and move along. Had plenty do to at work and enough at home too, but instead I stayed in the pool as much as I could and avoided all of it. Getting ready to order tires for the Rover and am dreading that. Had a tree dude over for an estimate yesterday, need to get limbs to not be hanging over the house and neaten up some others. got good rain last night and more today, keeps me from Hank Hilling it outside with the waterhouse.
Happy belated birthdays!

Posted on: 7/23 19:57
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
That all seemed a bit weird to me too. I mean that was a lot at one time

Posted on: 7/16 0:45
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
the media's handling of this is disgusting. The New York Times is one of the worst. At least they actually called it an "assassination attempt" on X, whereas others dodge the issue, as they were told to do. Biden on hotseat now for ignoring multiple requests for stepped up security. Now he wants in investigated. Sure he does. And, literally everyone on social is letting their hatred of women show in regards to security detail. They took a photo out of context of one of the women claiming she was hiding, when in context she was making her way to Trump. The other had her whole ass body in front of him, but strange to me his whole head was allowed to poke out. They all literally waited for him to stick his head out so he could fist bump then they resumed evacuation. That is not normal at all to me. So many questions

Posted on: 7/15 16:00
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good evening, yeah I have a bunch of those "remember whens" also, can definitely tell I'm old. It is kinda cool tho to see kids jamming to my old music 40 years later. Sad to see some of my favorite artists pass.
I hate what happened yesterday, I really hate a volunteer fireman lost his life protecting his family. So many unanswered questions and when we do get answers ,they'll most likely be fabricated. I've also seen so much hate it blows my mind. I don't care how bad you hate somebody, being happy they were shot its disgusting. And, most of what I see comes from people who claim to have given their life to God.
Hot as heck here today, got up and cleaned some, sat in pool a bit, went to gym, came back and sat in pool, then pulled weeds, got too hot and sat in pool again. Heating up dinner and that's gonna be it for me till Tuesday.

Posted on: 7/15 0:51
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, Gris.
hot as all get out already here, I slept in. Not sure what to do today yet, will figure that out when I'm awake. Somehwere on the list is clean out a bedroom, a bathroom, I have guests coming Tuesday, water plants, haul stuff to flea booth, run to jonesboro to drop off boxes to another place, pick up a few groceries. It's too hot to leave the house, but the pool looks pretty so that might take top spot. Working yesterday put me behind schedule on junk.

Posted on: 7/13 14:54
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
how do you like it? I have it then deleted it, didn't use it like I thought I would

Posted on: 7/13 3:51
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, already hot here, can't keep up with watering for the plants, it's that time of year. I agree, hood mentality is weird. Gets mad if someone shoots baby boo boo, and wants justice but if it's her son that does the shooting, "my baby din do nufin, I ain't snitchin". Thinks everyone owes them something and if they don't get it they think they have the right to take it. Then wonder why it's a high crime area.
Oh well, at work today on my day off, making up for having the holiday off.
You ever do a job for someone and don't really want anyone knowing you did it? I mean - I'm working on a vehicle for the school cop in my hometown. I HATE it. I did what they wanted and I think it looks horrid. I tried my best to guide the design process, show alternatives, give advice, suggest improvements, etc. and zip. He wanted nothing of it except what he wanted, period. Now, this will be blasted to the moon on social , and given it's my hometown, I'll hear stuff and read stuff and get upset. I don't even want my name on this rig. I'm nervous.

Posted on: 7/12 16:27
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, heat has returned along with the humidity. Sore all over from boxing class last night although it wasnt nearly as hard as Tuesday night. Tuesdays are heavy cardio days, last night was focusing on footwork. Why would footwork make my whole body sore?
Vette club meeting tonight, and soon as that is over I'm going home and pile up in the couch.

Posted on: 7/11 19:43
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: 10 JULY 2024
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, heat coming back after the hurricane rains, sure was nice outside last night though. Contemplating gym tonight, since I will miss boxing class tomorrow night due to car club meeting. Still tired from class last night. Have plenty of jobs going through, one more approved today. and, according to who just left my office, I have officially stolen the city's transit account from someone here. Window tinting, possibly perfs at the station, ad panels on all the shelters, panels on busses, interior panels etc, hoping to work up to full wraps in future. Whole marketing of that department had a change. I meet the guy at a concert here the mayor invited a few folks to, shook his hand and told him to come see me for graphics on those things, he took me seriously and came by a few weeks ago. Brought his marketing lady today, we're meeting again next week.

Posted on: 7/10 21:09
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Cinnabon is the BEST. Our Schlotzkys sells them so it's a treat now and then. Perfect pool day yesterday so had a friend over and some drinks and snacks and made a day of it. Had doc appointment today, was supposed to be gloomy so I planned to clean some. Was sunny so intended to get back in pool when I got home, I was home just long enough to go start changing clothes when it rained. Been gloomy rest of day and so have I. Not slept much, tried to nap, sounded like a door opened and it woke me up. Been doing dishes and laundry thats' bout it

Posted on: 7/8 22:19
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
good afternoon, hot here but not as bad as it has been, intermittent clouds. Arron is vaccuming the pool, it'll be sunny tomorrow so I chose to stay inside today to "clean" but here I still sit at the computer goofing off. Hard to get motivated. Ran my rear end off yesterday, store, gym, another store, home to put up stuff, fix dinner. Fireworks still going off here some, today seems to be yard mowing day for everyone, waiting on the peer pressure to set in on Arron and him drag the mower out too. I need some energy

Posted on: 7/6 19:20
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Happy fourth! God Bless America, what of it we have left, hang on to all you got.
Hot as all get out here, heat warnings issued, well over 100 heat indexes. Too hot to even be outside and enjoy the pool, plants are wilty even with water, I hate this type of weather. I love summer but this is nuts. I'm not cooking either, and Arron's boss told us about a BBQ joint in town where we work rib racks $20, leg quarters $5, sausages $5 so he's headed up there to grab some of that and come back home. We're just gonna stay in today unless we end up venturing out this evening to see fireworks.

Posted on: 7/4 18:04
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Lord this year is gone already. I too got some meat on sale, a whole beef tenderloin for $9 a pound. I buy them up when I can, trim, wrap in bacon and freeze. Trimmings get put away for stew later.
Hot as a chainsaw in a pawn shop here, heat index about 110. Got in pool, it was 93, didn't stay long. Might just stay in the house tomorrow, I love summer but this is nuts.

Posted on: 7/1 0:33
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Add wasps to that list and Arkansas mosquitoes.
Hot af here, and will get worse they say. Ran a couple errands yesterday and took a bunch of crap to my jeweler. I might as well start wearing the junk, stuff's been in my jewelry box for decades. One is my mother's watch from the 50s. Had no idea the head was gold. It also works. It had an extra band that was split, guessing she broke it and had a new one put on there. he's adding links to the band for me and I plan to wear it some. Have some bracelets and my mother's jade set he's going to clean up and replicate one earring so I have the set again. I know him and his wife so we just sat around and visited, so I never made it to the gym. Met Arron when he got off work and ate out at our little hole in the wall Mexican place we like, then went to the store and home. That's been it. Not much planned for the next couple days either. Too hot to even be out in the pool

Posted on: 6/29 16:54
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, been a busy day here, sun was out, lower temps , beautiful day - perfect day for the Anheuser-Busch big event here for them to kick off a campaign of "choose beer grown here" . I did the design work on their new combine they'll be using, plus made a toy version that was presented to the CEO, my owner and some help installed their wrap on the semi trailer that was at the event and we've done their smaller truck graphics also. Event was open bar, open food, outdoors, with the full hitch of Clydesdales. I've never seen them and loved it. Didn't see the CEO nor was I looking but owner hung out with him for about a half hour. I went to see the horses and the dog.

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Posted on: 6/27 22:31
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Ruby Tuesday 6-25
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
hot as two mice in a mole sock here. Busy at work too. The Budweiser stuff is done, CEO will be here Thursday couple towns over, big event, $300 a head for tickets. New semi was done a week ago, the combine was done today, toy combine will get done tomorrow. Full hitch of clydesdales will be here also, they're currently housed up the road from where I work. Public even is this weekend. I'd like to see it.

Posted on: 6/25 23:04
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day.
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I have rules! I break a lot of them. that's the fun part, tho ain't it?
Hot as all get out here today, will be tomorrow too. All this week honestly, it's summer here for sure. Need rain, again, it's that time of year, no rain. I wish we could take the rain we get in the spring and spread it out all summer. We get way over watered early then drought later. Why was the earth designed like this? Makes no sense.
Pool day today, I'm off and Mondays are my sabbath. phone is off, door is locked. If it requires though or action it can wait till tomorrow

Posted on: 6/24 16:10
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
hot and humid here again, will be next week or so at least. Planned a pool day today, Arron has worked about 12 a day this week, he's beyond tired. Yesterday turned into a fiasco. He got neices car done, then my friend that was here hers tore up again, turns out pulley on her new alternator came all the way off. so, here we go on our planned grocery trip then he went by there to look at that in another town, then allllll the way back to where we were to swap the part, then alllll the way back and the parts store, Oreilley of course, gave him the wrong belt. so now on his one day off, he's having to drive to the next down over, 30 mins, go get a new belt, fix it in the heat in her friends driveway then come home. day ruined. we were out till 9pm messing with it to start with. phones will be off this afternoon.

Posted on: 6/23 18:20
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Yes .... It's Sadturday again.
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Happy Saturday - sunny and hotttt here, heat warnings have been issued. I had a friend here most of the morning. Arron looked at her car it was making a noise and she came in here to wait and just stayed an hour or two. I'm trying to half ass clean house, still don't feel well but getting some stuff done is better than nothing. Too hot for me to want to be outside even in the pool. He got her car sorted out, then started working on his nieces car when work called and he had to drive all the way up there to sort out an issue with some lady's caddy. Seems service writer's didn't communicate she HAD to have her car back, just was a simple recall. Turns out there were two codes, still a recall issue but one needs a part they don't have. Won't her for her to drive it just her light will be on. He is back home and out in the shop trying to finish the car he has here. Friend is gone and now I'm outta the mood to clean anything. Need to hit Wallyworld and Kroger too plus one other store so may get out and do that later.

Posted on: 6/22 19:30
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: June 21, Friday
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
lol you know that one is accurate. All the girls want on the party boat till they see who owns the boat.
Sunny here and it feels like the devil's armpit. Heat indexes over 100, will be the next few days. I still don't fell good I've not been outside and don't plan to till maybe later. Supposed to be a huge, low horizon full strawberry moon tonight so I'd love to go see that. I missed the solstice sunset last night, I usually catch those. Nothing planned here today, just layin around.

Posted on: 6/21 18:23
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: The day after Juneteenth 06.20.24
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good evening, been a pretty day here although hot. More heat coming they say, feels like temps over 100. I don't think I was at my desk an hour today, been in the back helping in production get some giant decals ready for a Budweiser combine. Guys across street wrapping one of their semi trailers. Then the guy asked me to make a tiny decal set for a toy combine like the one we're putting the big decals on. Weeding panels taller than me is a PITA. Can't tell that the meds I got yesterday are helping any but I plan to sleep in tomorrow, that oughta do it.

Posted on: 6/20 23:20
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: 19 JUNE 2024
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, Gris. Gloomy here, good nap day but the office awaits. Doc appt at 1, however I'm probably too far into this whatever I got for her to help any. I'd at least like to know what it is. Still feel bad. Bout to get a van ready to print and the combine people now want a decal set for a little toy one for the CEO's desk. not thinking our machines can cut that small. We'll see what happens.

Posted on: 6/19 14:20
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, overcast here. I had a doc appt at 9:30, then got a reminder of another one an hour earlier. Then went to tell office I'd not be here first thing this morning and reminded of two others I had at 9am. Fk it cancelled the first two then just came to work. Of course the first appt was half hour late and the other showed up couple hours late. Now I have a doc at 1pm tomorrow and the other is pushed back to mid July after waiting 6 months to start with. I should've just stayed home. Getting some stuff done, think I have a van that might be approved, got a couple other things proofing. Keep it moving yall.

Posted on: 6/18 19:11
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I'm on injections also for SI nerve issues, that exacerbated hip issues. Shots saved my live, literally. But, it annoys me that insurance folks won't approve a simple procedure to fix the actual issue but rather line Big Pharma's pockets with you on meds constantly. I dont want on pills I want fixed. Hope she gets a solution.
Arron just came home for lunch and spilled more tea on the work thing. Prev shop foreman went to a Kia dealer so they took away his GM login. What that does it not only allow him to no longer access GM tech info but as of Friday he would've gotten $1000 for his schooling. GM pays a bonus and shop matches. He won't get that now, ever. Also, his wife came for his check, he was too much of a coward, and she was refused because they aren't sure if he turned in all his uniforms yet. And, they found a job he "fixed" but didn't , so those hours may still be deducted from whatever check he had coming. Karma train is still rolling. The other dude finally sent a rollback after his large box, still no word from him. He isn't getting his check either till he shows up with uniforms. And, the techs haven't been getting many hours cause of those two, Arron has but they haven't. He said as of today, all 3 of them got over 40 hours, including a brand new dude that didn't start till Monday afternoon. Another new one coming tomorrow. Perhaps a much more efficient, happier service department is happening.

Posted on: 6/17 18:59
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, Gris. June is half gone therefore the year almost is. Where did it go? Overcast today, I heard a chance of rain, we'll see. We could use it. Might just be a porch sittin day today

Posted on: 6/17 14:41
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Happy Father's Day yall.
Sunny and hotter than a cheap hooker here. Been in pool. Gym and errands yesterday. That's bout it for us. Got Arron a cake for his promotion, any excuse to buy a cake, right? He's ate about 1/4 of it already.

Posted on: 6/16 20:52
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: FRIDAY the 14TH
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I'm working in the office. This is my day off, needless to say I ain't happy about being here. And, I've already got done what I was in here to do so I'll just sit here and stare at the computer while it's nice outside.
Don't feel good anyway, came down with something, will go home and hopefully sleep when I get out of here.
Combine is approved, semi is bout done, soon to start another, 3 storefronts ready to print, I hav e one van and the police SUV people will be here Tuesday. Moving along...

Posted on: 6/14 15:52
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Thursday ? Chat. 06.13.24
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, another beautiful, cool morning here but it'll get hot later. I saw where Miami got flooded. Storms are very much more frequent too. We're told in our Gulf vaca area they are expecting this to be the most active hurricane season yet. Used to it was September you avoided, now its' most of the vaca time and instead of one here and there it's many.
I have enjoyed the frequent rains we've gotten here, my plants have looked awesome, I just wish it would continue throughout summer so stuff don't get dried out and crispy. My Budweiser guy emailed me first thing said combine is good to go, so I need to get those files in to production, then I have three more storefronts, a van and an SUV. I feel like pounded shi*t today, no sleep again, so I hope that's all that requires my attention today.

Posted on: 6/13 14:19
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon. Busy as all get out here, taking a quick break. Boxing class wore me slap out last night, and then Arron's snoring kept me awake half the night. I'm understanding why couples had separate bedrooms years ago. I like to be asleep by 11, he don't even take his shower till after then, and then gets in bed, wakes me up, he settles, I go back to sleep then his legs jerk or he snores or both and I'm awake again. Got 2 clients driving me mad today, one on a very tight deadline for a big even and they're dragging their feet. The other is window perfs for 4 locations here for a shop and the owner's designer is making this way harder than it needs to be. Me and him bout to fight. I wished the shop owner would've just hired me to start with, I'd have loved that. Instead now I'm having to school the kid making more than me. I have a van and an SUV to be working on plus a rear glass the dude for that won't get back to me either. Nuts.

Posted on: 6/12 19:59
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I'd have a cat if we got 20". a whole lot less than that around here and a good wind and our trees turn over. Plus I get rain in my shop and the sewer backs up.
Tommy, Arron said the service manager saw this coming and had 2 dudes lined up. Before the door got shut good with Donnie leaving a new guy is in there. He's certified already came from another GM dealer and being here puts him back at home instead of driving 2 hours a day. Plus he gets 3 stalls instead of one. Another coming tomorrow I think he said. And, to add to the karma, the prev foreman, Jason, has lost his GM login as of yesterday. He went to a Kia dealer and given the crap they did here, dealership shut his account down. He would have had $1,000 coming to him for earned rewards from his GM schooling that he will not get now. his loss.
busy day for me here, have a van wrap, still trying to get this combine approved as it's part of a CEO "event" here where big brass if flying in on private jets, then I have a couple small jobs and another wrap from my local PD. Keep it moving Gurus

Posted on: 6/11 20:05
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I agree, I'd rather spend it on fun stuff not "have to" stuff. Beautiful day here today, Mondays are my Sabbaths, so pool day it was. laundry and everything else can wait. The last dude that was part of the trio that gave Arron so much grief was absent today. His "work" toolbox was gone so apparently he vacated over the weekend. His "big" box is still there, prob needs a rollback for it. Company is witholding his pay till he returns uniforms and key if he has one. Figured with his buddy gone his meal ticket was too. And his job was bout to get harder. He was given a motor job recently on a diesel truck, he whined that he didn't know how. Service mgr said he'b better learn he has the same shop manual as everyone else. Then the other day he was given a trans service on a Vette, change filter, etc. He again said he didn't know how. SM told him tough shit he's there like everyone else and it's his job. Arron told him that even his girlfriend makes stickers for a living and she can lol. Not really but he was just taking a jab at the dude, for a little payback. Maybe with a whole new crew they can treat customers honest now and not "rape" them like the other dude said and their reputation of their service department will improve.

Posted on: 6/11 0:56
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good evenin, rained here early today till around noon, I got up and went to town for groceries, vitamins, gym and came home. I did a personal best on 4 machines today. Might not be able to walk to morrow or lift a beer but I was kinda proud of myself. Arron worked in next town over today, but ended up with an 'emergency' call from a friend of mine on his way. her car quit on her, needed an alternator, he did that then went on to the other job. Speaking of him, after all the bs at his job with the 3-man thieving crew, keeping him from getting tickets and starving us, a new service manager arrived a few months ago. He caught on to that crap and shut it down. One of the owners even told Arron he didn't care if he stayed there or not - after 25 years of loyalty in favor of a dude who as it turns out was snowballing him and 'stealing'. Well, one quit, then the other quit, then he came back, the third was still shop foreman. Arron got a raise, then magically is turning an average of 50 hours/week. Now the other 2 aren't working then complained about not making hours (20-30/wek) yet they control the work as they pass out the tickets. Well shop foreman quit. Arron gets his job starting Monday. If you have any idea how much I've prayed and read those verses about reaping what you sow, how God says he'll get your back for you and set a feast for you before your enemies... I just saw it live. 2 new techs start Monday also so the entire department should be way better and more fair to customers. The other three said literally "it's our job to rape people".

Posted on: 6/9 0:45
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Wednesday chit chat
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
yep :D
I've had to climb up there with it before, being a kid and all they figured I was disposable I reckon lol, afterall, they knew how to make more

Posted on: 6/6 1:02
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Wednesday chit chat
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
I wish I was out in the country. I hate neighbors. But, we did kinda move out there, we are at the edge of town. Little did I know, they'd annex all of it over here and now there's a walmart and bazillion other things on top of us. Im' very ready to move but with a 10% finance rate thanks to Biden, we've had to reconsider. Getting up to change those channels was bad enough but a show of hands for those of us who had to go outside and turn the antenna...

Posted on: 6/5 19:08
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Wednesday chit chat
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716

TommyT-Bone wrote:
Ahhhh. No. Miami-Dade is full of idiots. They steal and kill horses for meat, ATV major violations daily, can't drive for shit, daily murders and crimes of passion. That's just the tip of the iceberg. is everywhere.
yeah, I take back my comment after reading our local news. More shootings here in my work town, more thefs, more hit and runs, more famous Trooper Pit Maneuvers over small crap, and then my hometown is in an uproar - folks pissed off they can't have chickens in town and think a law from 1924 is stupid. It's there for a reason, neighbors dont want to smell that mess, also the constitution has been there longer they want it gone too? And, mayor is sick of atvs all over here, and of course, the rednecks they are they're mad over that. Entitled folks that insist on being disrespectful to their neighbors amaze me. Cloudy here, supposed to rain, might be summer later, never know, this is Arkansas afterall.

Posted on: 6/5 14:33
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Someone from my school just left here. Hope they stay true to me and let me do their work. I'd love to steal that account from the out of town bunch since I'm actually local and they aren't. I grew up there.
Busy day here and gym tonight then home to make food, clean up etc. And, catch up on my FB reading, the whole town is pissed off, cops reminding folks chickens and other livestock aren't allowed and tickets will be issued over ATVs. Gotta love small town shit. Folks in larger cities have sense enough to know to act right.

Posted on: 6/4 21:39
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, sunny day here up until a few minutes ago, so I made a pool day of it instead of cleaning. Now the clouds are here, storm rolling in later they say, so may start cleaning. Not in the mood at all however. Am I ever? Didn't do much yesterday, was outside most of it, Saturday we sat out, then got gussied up to go out to a nice place to eat, one of those white tablecloth places. Weird as back in the say it was the college party club with black walls, neon everywhere and a dj and girls in hoochiemamma dresses and stuff. I was a frequent. Later they did classy wood paneling on the walls with fancy sconces and such and I went then but the crowd wasn't much different. Now it's very different. Same name. I guess owners grew up lol.

Posted on: 6/3 21:07
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Tommy I vote to pour a drink and hold the lawn chair down, and avoid touching things.
Overcast here today, rain due, but now it's pushed back till 1am. I should have watered but it was supposed to rain. If it don't rain tonight, Im in trouble. Yard is mowed, supper is on the grill, I've been to the gym and soon as we eat I'm taking a good hot shower and making myself a drink. So thankful for the screened in back patio this time of year.

Posted on: 6/1 0:38
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
that's part of your home also, right? What if they want land only and you end up with condos or something on top of you? Could that be a contingency with purchase?

Posted on: 5/30 19:13
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, beautiful day here, and I'm stuck inside. Came >this< close to taking off today. Ive made 56 trips around the sun so I feel like I should be home relaxing and enjoying it. Working on a mack truck for a client, getting it ready to print and have questions and the person I need to ask the questions to won't sit still long enough and is gone already. Then he wonders why it's not ready to print yet. I'm bout to just do it my way and let him fuss later. I too would like to smell bacon, or any sort of food - it's getting bout that time here to go find my lunch.

Posted on: 5/30 17:16
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Wednesday Chit Chat
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
yes, be well armed, the way things are now. Very nice day here today again, humidity isn't bad which makes it enjoyable. Have a few things going on at work, not too bad, but enough to keep me busy.

Posted on: 5/29 23:08
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Tuesday Chat 05.28.24
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good afternoon, beautiful day here, seems all the storms, hail and tornadoes have passed at least for today.Probably more comin. We took of this past weekend to the other side of the state to hike a bit and touch grass. Got a lot crammed in 2 days then came home yesterday to a green pool so there was that. Thanks to those who gave all so I could have the freedom to do as I sort of please. Yes, I'm with Uman , we mustn't forget, but I fear the new generation will screw all this up. Glad you're schedule is normalizing a bit Matt.

Posted on: 5/28 20:55
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
My latest pair of chuck Taylor’s were like new and $9
I thrift shop
I ain’t paying full price for nothing. I’m loving Rocky the Rooster. and good thing I guess that man didn’t set a cat out there, imagine that lady trying to explain that to her kids
If you find the post on the news outlets FB page, comments don’t disappoint

Posted on: 5/24 22:15
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
this just showed up on my local. I can't stand an overreaching HOA, and this is the kind of petty I'm in favor of ... 22BEQ97BHA7K3OCf7vWajr_Fo

Posted on: 5/24 16:58
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
good morning, seems there was some light rain overnight here but gone when I left the house. Working today for some extra cash, plus I have a semi coming at 10 from my turfgrass lady. Otherwise, hopefully a quiet morning, closing at noonish.
I fell on my ass in the boxing glass last night so coach said I need new shoes. Never tell a woman she needs new shoes lol she'll make good use of that advice. Anyway, the mats are that black rubber stuff and I have on running shoes which grip like all get out. when we were told to go left, I went but my foot didn't and I fell over onto my knee kind of but caught myself with my hands. Of course all the 18 year olds freake out like some frail 90 year old woman just took a spill and all ran over there. They're sweet dudes but I wa mostly embarrassed. Coach used it as a time to educate us about proper footwear. For now, he said instead of buying 100$ training shoes, if I had some Chuck Taylors, to try those. They're thin like he prefers so I feel things, and they scoot better. I happen to have a ton of them. Otherwise we did allright he said, 1 minute rounds on the bags for us newbies, sparring for the others who actually have a fight coming up next month. Great workout all the way around.

Posted on: 5/24 14:14
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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Re: Oh Happy Day Thursday.
Master Guru
2007/4/3 0:00
From Jonesboro, AR
Posts: 4716
Good morning, rain and drizzly here, we're told to expect this through Tuesday morning. Nothing like having a holiday weekend ruined when we finally decide to take off somewhere for 3 days and he has a free day off. Might just stay home and sleep, our plans were for hiking and such and not in the mood to be swampy and wet while I'm at it. Boxing class tonight, wish me luck, I have zero energy

Posted on: 5/23 14:50
The answer to any question that begins with "Am I the only one who..." is always "no".
�Ugol's Law

Yes, I'm a bitch... just not YOURS.

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