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Re: Friday TGIF 02.07.14
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

CVS is the preferred company for my insurance company. That's the only reason I use them. Try to make my insurance issues as seemless as possible.

Posted on: Yesterday 15:58
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Re: Friday TGIF 02.07.14
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Good morning. Sue was on the phone last night with a Walgreens corporate phone rep who was obviously working from home. During the call a baby started crying on the reps end and the rep dropped the call. WTF. Professionalism out the window these days. Her new pharmacist at Walgreens is an asshat. Treats his customers like shite. Sue is over it and transferring all her meds to CVS. I've been with CVS for years now. They are always busy as hell behing the pharmacy counter there but the staff is always helpful and pleasant. I see a new pain reliever was approved by the FDA named Journavx by Vertex Phamaceutical. Try saying Journavx 5 times fast. Anyway, doctors hate to prescribe opiods anymore, not that I care for opiods. Don't like the way they make me feel. I'm hoping to get a crack at this new medication when it becomes available. It's supposed to relieve pain without euphoria. Sounds good to me.

Posted on: Yesterday 15:38
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Friday TGIF 02.07.14
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116


Posted on: Yesterday 15:27
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
When Sue talks to me I get CHS. Not sure if I can't hear or I don't want to hear it.

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Posted on: 2/6 18:51
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
The biggest entertainment ever to rock the screen with laughter! The Trump administration in "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world."


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Posted on: 2/6 18:42
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

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Posted on: 2/6 18:39
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Ultraman wrote:
gotta keep the nose to the grindstone.... now where did that saying come from?

Pinocchio's doctor?

Posted on: 2/5 18:09
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Marcus .........

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Posted on: 2/5 17:09
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Pleasant so far but warming up. Painted the areas that needed paint on the spiral staircase out back. I want to lay a 3/4" p.t. deck then seal it before we work on a guard rail around the deck. The area is around 13' v 11'. Prolly 4 sheets might do it. 5 at the most. Doing laundry and some house cleaning now. I'm in the Vulcan doghouse again because I refused to do something for Sue. She doesn't like to be told no you know.

Great musician

Posted on: 2/5 16:58
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Re: 4 FEB 25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Ya, I have a minor stomach discomfort, minor sore throat, sinus pressure and a constant Vulcan headache. Riding the (physical) storm out ......

Posted on: 2/4 23:50
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Re: 4 FEB 25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Letty's misplaced post ....


vetteblondie wrote:
ready for this day to be over. Headed to the sto to pick up a few things then going to boxing class. I am not doing much, this prednisolone has me with a giant headache. I'll walk and take it easy and duck out early. Maybe try again tomorrow.
Gonna shop for a tv, ours quit. The shop fridge quit same day, thankfully all my deer was still froze. Looking at a small upright freezer about 7cf. as far as drinks, those can go in the office fridge in the house or the pool house fridge. such is life.

Posted on: 2/4 23:47
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Re: 4 FEB 25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Good evening. Feeling like shite. Rest is the order of the day.

Posted on: 2/4 21:47
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

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Posted on: 2/3 22:11
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

I might get high but it won't be from running. I booked Sue's tickets to Spain for her and her friend. In another month it will be adious amigas.They have been forewarned about the The Travelers. They are leaving any valuables at home. One must be wary when traveling around Europe.

Posted on: 2/2 20:36
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Re: IMBOLC 2025
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Overnight guests left this morning. I have an opportunity to stay in the Keys for two weeks but I think I'll pass. We get lots of offers and opportunities to stay with friends but honestly I prefer the company of my animals. Just sayin .....

Posted on: 2/1 17:31
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Re: Thank God it's Fryday.
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Cleaning house today. Guests coming in at 03:00 to spend the night. Probably go out to dinner. Nothing major on the agenda for today.

Posted on: 1/31 14:45
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Thank God it's Fryday.
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Galloping good morning to ya.

Posted on: 1/31 14:44
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Re: THURSDAY the 30th
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Gobblessyou. We have a huge Royal Poncianna tree in the back yard. Probably 60 feet tall and 60 feet wide. Had 5 big dead branches on it so a friend monkeyed his way up the tree with tree spikes and and chain saw, cut them off for me and then cut them into managable pieces. It's all cleaned up and now I'm sweaty. Sue wants to go to Spain with a friend in March for a couple of weeks while I stay home and babysit the critters and hold down the fort. Wow! I wonder what I might do with two weeks without Sue. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Posted on: 1/30 19:57
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Re: Wed. Chit. 01.29.25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Have you heard of stings when police lured in criminals with free game tickets and when they showed up to get them the offenders got busted?

Maybe they could offer a fast track to immigration and when people show up they fast track them to the airport. Ohhhh!

Posted on: 1/29 14:49
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Re: Wed. Chit. 01.29.25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Oh ya. ICE has been going door to door around here looking for illegals to ship back home. Reminds me of purges past. Lots of folks sitting on pins and needles. Oh well. Illegal is illegal. At least they are only getting shipped back home.

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Posted on: 1/29 14:44
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Re: Wed. Chit. 01.29.25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Went out with FIL and a group of folks to a chinese reastaurant to celebrate Chinese New Year. Ate a variety of dishes placed on a Lazy Susan. I was luck enough to have a vegatarian and a vegan sitting at our table. More meat and seafood for the rest of us. Heading out to clean up the fleet in the drivway. Everything needs a bath. Enjoy your day. We only live once ..... maybe.

Posted on: 1/29 14:40
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Wed. Chit. 01.29.25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116


Posted on: 1/29 14:36
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Ultraman wrote: you will need that 4 wheel drive jacked up pickup with a Warn 8,000 lb winch on the front to get to your campsite....

After taking a gummy .....

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Posted on: 1/28 14:28
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Toothday Chat 01.28.25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
The way the year is flying it's gonna be time to start Christmas shopping all over again. Some folks here are still donning their lights. Doh! On Melania's hat. All I can say is “Klaatu barada nikto”

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Posted on: 1/28 14:18
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
GRIS. That's why they eat crumpets.

Sue has a doctors appointment and then we head to the casino to pick up the last in a 4 week series of camping gifts. Today is the air mattresses. We already got the sleeping bags, chairs and tent. Those free gifts have a tendency to get expensive.

Posted on: 1/27 16:08
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Back from (vacation?). Where did the week go. That's alright. I'm on a mostly permanent vacation here at home as long as my phone stays quiet.

Posted on: 1/25 18:45
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Florida continues with the cold weather. Somebody please shut the freezer door. What is interesting is living in less than 600 sq. ft. with a minimum of stuff. You know what they say about less being more. Heading home tomorrow morning.

Posted on: 1/24 16:45
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
First thing I look for is a direct flight. Next I look for the best aisle and center seats. Sue is small enough to fit comfortably in the middle seat. Finally I wait with apprehension to see who took the window seat. Nursing mother, biggest loser contestant, person who takes a bath once a month whether they need it or not. Most times we have had very good seat mates.
Another coldish, cloudy and windy day. Sue went out on a friend's boat today. I gracefully declined. I only go out on the best of days anymore. One of my neighbors has been fishing from the docks and jetty. He's been killing it from land. I've been resting. For me that is vacationing.

Posted on: 1/23 17:40
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
I like reserved seats and extra legroom and will spend the extra money to get it. Never first class. That is more wasteful than throwing money at a slot machine, which I prefer.

Posted on: 1/22 18:20
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Cool,drizzly,overcast,windy day. Great day to avoid outdoor activities. Might end up lying on the bed and binge watching Prime offerings. Fishing was good yesterday. Nice day out on the boat. What a difference a day makes.

Posted on: 1/22 16:46
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Good afternoon gurus. I'm comfortably nestled into our timeshare for the week in the Keys. Woke to a glorious oceanfront sunrise. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a nice sunrise. Sue went with some friends on a charter boat. I'm sure they will bring home a nice catch as long as they get on fish. Had a noontime breakfast I prepared for myself. Enjoyed it. Doing a whole lot of nothing today. I figure I earned it. Thinking about lying in bed for awhile for either a nap, Netflix or both. As mentioned "nothing" is on the agenda for today. "Do Not Disturb."

Posted on: 1/19 18:07
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Too busy to goof off. Chat some other time.

Posted on: 1/17 20:04
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Take one thing off this breakfast plate. I'd say the bread.

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852_6789169ab8bee.jpg 736X981 px

Posted on: 1/16 14:24
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Cool and overcast. Yard day plus other stuff. Work waits for no man (or woman).

Posted on: 1/16 14:04
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Re: Midway January Chat 1/15/25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

You'll have to click the one that says cold ass.

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Posted on: 1/15 15:31
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Midway January Chat 1/15/25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Global cooling is now in effect. It's that time of year.
My mind has been wandering of late to things I prefer not to think about. Seeing those events have already happened I have been employing a "Live in the present" mindset. That thought process always helps me move forward. Today is clean house day. Tomorrow yard day. Friday is final prep day and Saturday is the start of Keys week. Everything for now is in order. Yesterday was catch up on bills and paperwork day. "Damn the torpedoes." All ahead one third.

Posted on: 1/15 13:30
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Re: 14 January 2025
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

teebee wrote:
Not sure how to take being 70.... it sounds OLD and I don't feel that old.

Some days I feel my age (69). Some days I feel 50, others 60 and yet some I feel 75. Go figure. At least I'm feeling something.

Loverboy and Styx concert was awesome. Styx were both great as a show band and musically as well. Loverboy performed great but with a lot less flair. The concerts always make me feel younger.

Doc visit yesterday to look at my basil cell wounds healing on my legs. They are healing slow. Go back again next month. They're coming along slowly.

On the casino front, you guys are gonna love this. Sunday we played for a few hours before the concert. Sue wrangled $1040 out of the slots and tables. I was abe to get $300 ahead and I quit. For free play I had $110 and Sue had $80. Plus we got the free concert tix. Monday we went to pick up some free folding chairs from the casino. We got two each. It's all part of a camping package we are getting every Monday in Jan. Last week we got sleeping bags. (2 each). Coming up are tents and air mattresses. I told Sue I don't know why you want them. I'm not doing any camping. I won another $301 on Monday in 2 hours and 10 minutes of play and Sue walked away $250 ahead but she played severel hours. No, we don't win every time. I just don't tell you when we lose.

Posted on: 1/14 18:29
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Good morning. Got he circular stairway mounted yesterday. Just have to tighten down the base nuts today. Got in my new boat compass so I'll install that. Heading to the casino later today. Going to see Loverboy and Styx. That should make a fun evening. See if I can win some money. ..... Or not. Some big projects got done but there is never a shortage of little ones. And I want to do some organizing as well. Get a number of things to where they need to go. Next Saturday we start our week in the Keys. We found a house/petsitter that is really extremely reasonable. See how that works out and we will be only an hour away from home so we can get home quick if we need to. That's enough out of me. ..... Out ....

Posted on: 1/12 14:25
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Can I ever have a day without problems. Simple answer. NO!

Posted on: 1/10 20:17
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Heavy work day. Boat is fixed, Only $600 tee. Guys came and formed up a slab and put in 16 bags of concrete. Has to sit two days before they drill the holes for Sue's circular stairway to the roof out back. Expensive project that I initially nixed. That doesn't mean much around here though. I painted the roof on the guest house out back with elastomeric paint. Should cool the roof down when the sun shines bright and sealed a a few leaks in the process. That's what I was doing while the boat was in the shop and the guys were working on the slab. My pains have eased considerably but there is always some lingering pain. It's a real pain in the

Posted on: 1/10 0:47
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Re: 8 JAN 25
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Tee, your fall reminded me of the Atkins diet dude. He ate and lived healthy and died as a result of a fall. You can crack your coconut on a slip and fall like that. LOL at GRIS' ice fishing joke. When they asked the fisheman how the fishing was he said "I didn't catch shit." Went to see my primary doc at 09:00 and my pain management doc at 10:00. Both doctors appointments were on time. Yay. Got some spinal injections and hoping for some pain relief soon. Sue has all kinds of work scheduled around the house which means I have to support the guys working around the house. She always finds ways to keep me working. She's a Vulcan work magnet.

Posted on: 1/8 16:30
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Re: TUESDAY the 7th
Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Me like ice cream. Today's news. Sue and I are now the proud owners of our very own personal cpap machines. I've only put it off for a few decades now but I figured it was time. Don't want to wake up dead one morning just because I stopped breathing. We could have went the rental/approval route but they monitor usage and I don't need no stinkin monitors. Mr Casey we see you have not been wearing your cpap mask every night. Hummana, hummana. Live long and prosper.

Posted on: 1/7 18:09
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Doing what I must as work is there whether I feel like doing it or not. I don't feel as sore as I did but there is much room for improvement. Looks like most of the nation is in an Artic blast. We are expected to drop into the dreaded 40's. Oh my.

Posted on: 1/6 15:22
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Letty the breakfast looks great except for the yogurt and chicken breakfast links.

Posted on: 1/5 22:37
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Went to work on the boat. Charged the battery. Went to raise the boat engine and the tilt trim motor doesn't work. Went to start the boat and she sputtered and died so I emptied the fuel filter and siphoned off a couple of gallons of fuel from the gas tank. There was some water in the gas tank so I got that out and fired up the motor. That seems to be fine. Compass glass was cracked. I think it's just product failure especially after the third time. It's a Ritchie compas and they are BIG in compasses. The only other problem i found was the front nav light out. I have a battery back up light if the Coast Guard does a check. Calling a couple of mobile marine repair shops tomorow morning and see if someone can help me at home. I tried to remove a teflon bolt that holds the oil in the tilt trim hydraulic system and the bottom half sheared off. If I got that out I could have drove it to a repair shop. Now .... I think I am up for financial boat whammy. We shall see. Hope I can find an honest repairman I'll let you know how bad it is later.,

Posted on: 1/5 22:34
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

I've been in so much pain lately it's bothersome. But one thing I will say. With whatever is bothering me I am still truly blessed.

Posted on: 1/4 19:01
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Marcus, are you a pitcher or a catcher?

Posted on: 1/3 22:44
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Post would load and I lost it .... No big deal. I was complaining anyway.

Posted on: 1/3 15:56
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116
Tom, I go pretty soon to my pain management appointment. They're going to do a spinal block. Last time they just did the discs. Mainly L3, 4 and 5 are my trouble.

Posted on: 1/3 1:28
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Chair-man of the bored
2007/12/10 0:00
From Homestead USA
Posts: 34116

Tear down holiday stuff and put it up till next year. That's what I'm planning on today. The triple whammy continues. Sore left knee, sciatica remnants, and stiff right shoulder. Makes doing anything difficult but they say you have to move to get better. I never undestood that. I like the idea of bedrest. I was already slow. Now I'm even slower.

Posted on: 1/2 15:52
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