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Print in friendly format Send this term to a friend Saw Blades

The wheel style used for most of the C4s existence.

The early saw blades face forward. This means they catch air from the outside and drag it inside.

The later wheels, 1990 on up, are mounted in opposite direction. These exhaust the hot air from the inside to the outside.

Submitted by Anonymous, on 23-Jan-2008 06:25. | This entry has been seen individually 35188 times.
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Author Thread
Published: 2008/3/30 9:20  Updated: 2008/3/30 9:20
Elite Guru
Joined: 07/18/2006
From: QLD, Australia
Comments: 2071
 Re: Saw Blades
Thats 88 and up they expell heat outwards.

The 84-87 blow inwards, and ive heard them more often refered to as Turbine wheels. (a variation of these wheels were also used on some Australian Holdens, still 16 inch, but not as wide.)

Author Thread
Published: 2009/9/3 13:44  Updated: 2009/9/3 13:44
Elite Guru
Joined: 12/30/2007
From: The hills of N. Georgia
Comments: 2424
 Re: Saw Blades
I thought the early wheels were called 'salad shooters' while later models are 'sawblades'.? is independently owned and operated. This site is not associated with or financially supported by General Motors.

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