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We currently have 4 entries that begin with this letter.
MAF []
Mass Air Flow sensor. Used to measure the amount of air entering the intake. This sensor works by heating an element and then measuring the rate of cooling of that element, that is, the amount of current needed to keep the element at a given temperature. This sensor feeds the ecm so that the fuel delivery can be adjusted dynamically.
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MAP []
Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor. A sensor used to meter air flow into the intake indirectly by measuring plenum pressure. This sensor is not as precise as a Mass Air Flow, (see MAF), and is sometimes used in combination with a MAF. The MAP is a simpler setup.
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Mirrors []
Side mirrors: both should move in all directions.
A little whirring from the motor is normal.
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Mouse Motor []
GM production small block engines were known as Mouse motors.
Early SBC
4.3L 265ci - 1955 thru 1956
4.6L 283ci - 1957 thru 1962
4.9L 302ci - 1967 thru 1969
5.0L 307ci - 1968 thru 1973
5.4L 327ci - 1962 thru 1969
6.6L 400ci - 1970 thru 1981
Late SBC
4.3L 262ci - 1975 thru 1976
4.4L 267ci - 1979 thru 1982
5.0L 305ci - 1976 thru 1992
5.7L 350ci - 1967 thru 2005
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