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C4FUN Mexican Swine Flu
Guru Newb
Lost in San Diego
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2008/2/12 0:00

Bad timing, alot of kids were just there on Spring Break and have since returned to the states. I read another story that said the strain was not unlike a similar pandemic that ocurred in 1918. Hopefully, it will fade away as quickly as it popped up.

Swine Flu Turns Deadly in Mexico
Apr 24, 2009
Kenny Goldberg

Another child in San Diego has been diagnosed with swine flu. That brings the total number of cases in the U.S. to eight. The disease has also cropped up in Mexico City, where health officials say the virus has turned deadly. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.

Mexico's minister of health has confirmed there have been at least 900 human cases of swine flu. Mexican health officials say as many as 60 people who became ill have died.

The Mexican government has closed schools, theatres, and museums in Mexico City as a precaution.

Dr. Richard Besser is the acting director of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. He says the swine flu virus in Mexico is the same strain that's in the U.S.

"While we are now working with health officials in Mexico, we're very early on in those efforts," says Dr. Besser. "We've only tested a very limited number of samples from Mexico, and we do not have enough information to fully assess the health threat posed by this swine flu virus."

Besser says one San Diegan who became infected had recently traveled to Mexico.

Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 2:57
1990 convertible. Battered, bruised, and frequently abused. The car is too.
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00

24 April 2009 -- The United States Government has reported seven confirmed human cases of Swine Influenza A/H1N1 in the USA (five in California and two in Texas) and nine suspect cases. All seven confirmed cases had mild Influenza-Like Illness (ILI), with only one requiring brief hospitalization. No deaths have been reported.

The Government of Mexico has reported three separate events. In the Federal District of Mexico, surveillance began picking up cases of ILI starting 18 March. The number of cases has risen steadily through April and as of 23 April there are now more than 854 cases of pneumonia from the capital. Of those, 59 have died. In San Luis Potosi, in central Mexico, 24 cases of ILI, with three deaths, have been reported. And from Mexicali, near the border with the United States, four cases of ILI, with no deaths, have been reported.

Of the Mexican cases, 18 have been laboratory confirmed in Canada as Swine Influenza A/H1N1, while 12 of those are genetically identical to the Swine Influenza A/H1N1 viruses from California.

The majority of these cases have occurred in otherwise healthy young adults. Influenza normally affects the very young and the very old, but these age groups have not been heavily affected in Mexico.

Because there are human cases associated with an animal influenza virus, and because of the geographical spread of multiple community outbreaks, plus the somewhat unusual age groups affected, these events are of high concern.

The "Spanish" flu pandemic of 1918 and 1919 caused the deaths of 20-50 million people worldwide including up to 675,000 in the U.S. While only about 1% of those infected with the virus died, it became one of the deadliest viruses ever known to man. The 1918 flu has been described as capable of sickening and killing a person on the same day. The virus is an H1N1 type A influenza. Symptoms of infection were similar to, but more severe than typical, seasonal flu. Viral pneumonia leading to acute respiratory distress was the primary cause of death. Recently, the virus was reconstituted from frozen tissue samples from a woman who died from the virus.

History: Unlike seasonal flu, where most deaths are seen in the elderly and children under 2-years-old, almost half of the deaths associated with the 1918 pandemic were in adults between 20 and 40-years-old. Scientists theorize that this could be because people over the age of 40 had previously been exposed to a similar flu that gave them some immunity. As the 1918 flu spread through the United States, public gatherings were reduced to prevent infections since doctors had no way to fight the infections.

However, the virus was able to cross the ocean with troops arriving to fight in Europe during World War I. Foreign troops soon became exposed to the virus and carried it back to their home countries starting new waves of infection.

Mechanism: Flu strains are named for the H and N proteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which stick out from the surface of the virus like spikes. These protein spikes allow influenza to infect and damage cells and are what the immune system recognizes. The hemagglutinin spike allows the virus to bind to and enter cells. After co-opting the cells molecular machinery to produce more viruses, the neuraminidase spike is used to escape the cell, destroying it in the process. The 1918 influenza is an H1N1 strain and research on the reconstituted virus shows that it was particularly infective and had the unusual property of being able to infect mice, which typical human influenza strains cannot.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 3:17
As democracy is perfected, the POTUS represents more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a fool and narcissistic moron.
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C4FUN Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Guru Newb
Lost in San Diego
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2008/2/12 0:00

That's spooky. The difference between 1918 and now is air travel, within a day it's everywhere. Additionally, widespread paranoia and people intentionally staying at home certainly wouldn't help our already anemic economy. There's never good timing for something like this, but right now it's the last thing we need. Time will tell.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 3:32
1990 convertible. Battered, bruised, and frequently abused. The car is too.
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Sweet90 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Edmonton, Alberta
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2009/2/10 19:32


C4FUN wrote:
Additionally, widespread paranoia and people intentionally staying at home certainly wouldn't help our already anemic economy. There's never good timing for something like this, but right now it's the last thing we need. Time will tell.

Well if people stay at home they will also spend their money at home instead of abroad. Six of one half dozen of the other

Posted on: 2009/4/25 3:39
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TommyT-Bone Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Chair-man of the bored
Homestead USA
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2007/12/10 0:00

Must be another side effect of global warming. Strains morphing into unknown and untreatable variations.....

These plagues have to happen every now and then. Think of it as thinning the herd.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 4:59
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00

In 1918, they didn't even know what a virus was. Comparing a possible current pandemic to 1918 isn't really that relevant, even though everyone out there does it becuase they know it will scare people.

If you have any questions about pandemics, feel free to ask. I spent the last 2 years doing pandemic planning.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 6:00
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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bastet44 wrote:
If you have any questions about pandemics, feel free to ask. I spent the last 2 years doing pandemic planning.

What organization did you work with? How many people die in the plan?

I believe that the CDC & WHO are pretty reliable sources of information. When these groups go on full alert/response, that pretty much sums up that they have reason for health concerns.

The media is the source of panic and fear.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 6:48
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00

I worked with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services Agency.

The tools used to estimate illness and death are based on 1918, and as I mentioned, science and knowledge were very different then compared to now. We did not rely on those tools for our planning, but rather looked at realistic steps that could be taken and identified what needs to be done.

I agree, the WHO and the CDC are great sources of information. I just don't think most people understand how they work and what their actions mean.
Posted on: 2009/4/25 7:29
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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bastet44 wrote:
We did not rely on those tools for our planning, but rather looked at realistic steps that could be taken and identified what needs to be done.

What does the plan entail? Just curious as to how the LA area expects to thwart a pandemic. After viewing the infrastructure disaster in New Oreans, there must be a better plan to protect and serve the residences of LA County. Any linkys?
Posted on: 2009/4/25 15:08
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00

I don't believe LA County's plan in its entirety is online. One due to size, but also because of the nature that it is always evolving. For example, lessons learned from this current swine flu incident will be reviewed and the plan reviewed, and see if anything should be updated.

Online, there is an Executive Summary from 2006: ... pandemicfluexec011106.pdf

We practice all hazards planning, and a pandemic is just another type of incident so many other plans that we already have developed are applicable to the situation.

There are MANY facets to pandemic planning. In addition to the planning that goes on at the health department, we have been working with hospitals, law enforcement, fire, utilities, schools, business, nonprofits, and CBOs/FBOs.

How to thwart a pandemic? It's the same as with any other disease outbreak. Try to identify and contain it - which is what is going on right now. Come up with a case definition so that other health deparments and medical professionals can be on the look out for similar outbreaks in their jurisdictions. That's the best way to thwart it, stop it before it spreads.

One of the big differences between Mexico and the US, that I think is a result of the big numbers in this swine flu case, is the healthcare disparities between the two countries. More access to higher quality healthcare will also help thwart a pandemic.

The best things for the public to do?
--Wash your hands
--Cover your coughs and sneezes
--Stay home if you're sick
--Get your flu shot every year (it may bolster your immunity to the flu virus, even if it's a different strain)
--Be prepared for any disaster
Posted on: 2009/4/25 17:13
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bogus Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Grand Imperial Pooh-Bah
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/7 0:00

I have a real tough time comparing Katrina to 1918.

I am not a flu expert, but I am well read historically. I know what the world was like in 1918. It's just that 1918 was sooo unique... Hell, the last flu outbreak that really made the news here was 1976! And it only lasted one season!

As bastet has said, 1918 was a different time. For the most part, all they had was hot water, aspirin and sulfer. There were also a lot of solders returning from war in Europe. Travel may not have been instantanious, but it sure was fast enough.

Roughly speaking, travel from NYC to LA in 1918 was a 4 day affair, but multiply that by hundreds of solders on multiple trains and you can see how a bug could be spread quickly.

Here, with airlines, the bug could be spread to NYC, but not to any point in between. We get pockets, where 1918 gets widespread.

Then again, the 1918 outbreak lasted 2+ years! You have to realize that our modern world is so much better prepaired. If not medically, hygenically. We shower. We have clean water sources. We have clean clothes. It all adds up.

And no, the water supply cannot be attacked by terrorists. That's a TV based fantasy.

As for Katrina. It was a weather disaster. I am more familier with what hurricanes do than what a flu outbreak will do.

With that, Katrina's biggest effect was on assets. Lives were inconvienced, but the infrastructure was utterly laid to waste. With a flu outbreak, the infrastructure isn't effected in that manner. The problem is who all gets it? Unlike a storm, the doctor office is wiped out, but the doctor is potentially safe. In this case, the office is safe, but the doctor could be rendered helpless.

Then comes the failure that is New Orleans. That city is SO corrupt... it isn't funny. IT is a joke, but not funny. The graft was so bad, they gambled with a cities future for a few bucks in pocket. In that city, everyone in the process took their cut. At the expense of preparation.

In hindsight, I don't blame the failure of NOLA on Bush. I blame that on the city itself. If they had done their job right, the damage would not have been nearly as severe. I feel there were things that FEMA and the Bush admin could have done better, no question. But that comes from experience and learning. I hope FEMA has learned. However, the city was a massive booby trap... and it's one that has been set for 200 years.

You all may want to read this:
Posted on: 2009/4/25 18:00
The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw

Education is the best tool to overcome irrational fear. - me

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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Elite Guru
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2005/9/16 0:00

OK so IF a pandemic (of any type) strikes any large city including LA, then we can be assured that a plan is ready and our lives will be saved.

But just as New Orleans proved, when the infrastructure fails, all Hell breaks loose and you'll have to depend only on your personal preparedness. To wait for the "system" to come online may take weeks even months.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 0:53
As democracy is perfected, the POTUS represents more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a fool and narcissistic moron.
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bogus Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Grand Imperial Pooh-Bah
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/7 0:00

"personal preparedness" for flu is simple:

Cover your mouth for coughs and sneezes.
Get a flu shot.
Stay home when sick (you or kid).
Wash hands frequently.

Flu is a virus. antibotics won't help... Do not stockpile antivirals; there is no guarentee it will help and could make a future situation worse by making bugs resistant to the meds we have!

There is no plan to protect against every thing. There are multiple plans in place; it's a team effort.

Infrastructure failure is the biggest worry with any problem. Be it hurricane or whatnot. Think about it, modern society is based on the ability for people to support an infrastructure.

If those people can't, there is no infrastructure.

And there is no way anyone can prepare for that failure.

And while you are at it, check with your county and get their plan. LA is one thing, but you don't live here.

So buy all the ammo you can be ready to shoot the zombies.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 1:04
The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw

Education is the best tool to overcome irrational fear. - me

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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00

US Declares Public Health Emergency for Swine Flu

Sunday, April 26, 2009

WASHINGTON – The U.S. declared a public health emergency Sunday to deal with the emerging new swine flu, much like the government does to prepare for approaching hurricanes.

Officials reported 20 U.S. cases of swine flu in five states so far, with the latest in Ohio and New York. Unlike in Mexico where the same strain appears to be killing dozens of people, cases in the United State have been mild — and U.S. health authorities can't yet explain why.

"As we continue to look for cases, we are going to see a broader spectrum of disease," predicted Dr. Richard Besser, acting chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "We're going to see more severe disease in this country."

At a White House news conference, Besser and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano sought to assure Americans that health officials are taking all appropriate steps to minimize the impact of the outbreak.

Top among those is declaring the public health emergency. As part of that, Napolitano said roughly 12 million doses of the drug Tamiflu will be moved from a federal stockpile to places where states can quickly get their share if they decide they need it. Priority will be given to the five states with known cases so far: California, Texas, New York, Ohio and Kansas.

Napolitano called the emergency declaration standard operating procedure — one was declared recently for the inauguration and for flooding. She urged people to think of it as a "declaration of emergency preparedness."

"Really that's what we're doing right now. We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size of seriousness of this outbreak is going to be."
Posted on: 2009/4/27 1:21
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TommyT-Bone Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Chair-man of the bored
Homestead USA
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2007/12/10 0:00

So, we've had cases turning up across the country now in major metropolitan areas. Texas, California, New York and Florida. Remember the spread of HIV. Started small and a decade later you could see it's impact. I'm not saying it will carry a high fatality risk but some who get sick will die from swine flu. Good thing I'm retired. I can lock myself in the house for a while.

Attach file:

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Posted on: 2009/4/27 4:11
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

I don't watch the news much, so I'm at least immune to the paranoia.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 4:52
1985 Z51, ZF6
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00

Tommy, Now that's what I call a target rich environment.....
Posted on: 2009/4/27 5:09
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bogus Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Grand Imperial Pooh-Bah
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/7 0:00


TommyT-Bone wrote:
So, we've had cases turning up across the country now in major metropolitan areas. Texas, California, New York and Florida. Remember the spread of HIV. Started small and a decade later you could see it's impact. I'm not saying it will carry a high fatality risk but some who get sick will die from swine flu. Good thing I'm retired. I can lock myself in the house for a while.

HIV was spread by a single, horny, gay flight attendant.

It is beleived he infected 1500 people. DIRECTLY.

But comparing HIV with the flu is really a stretch. It requires sex to transfer HIV. A sneeze can spread flu.

HIV is almost always terminal. Flu? Terminally annoying.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 5:26
The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw

Education is the best tool to overcome irrational fear. - me

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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00


It was horny African men doing monkeys!

Then the geh guy got into the act.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 5:37
As democracy is perfected, the POTUS represents more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a fool and narcissistic moron.
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C4FUN Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Guru Newb
Lost in San Diego
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2008/2/12 0:00

Below is an interesting excerpt from the following link: ... d=aEsNownABJ6Q&refer=home

And another one: ... ike-symptoms-1674743.html

Kinda' spooky. And no, I'm not suggesting conspiracy.

"The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not."
Posted on: 2009/4/27 9:09
1990 convertible. Battered, bruised, and frequently abused. The car is too.
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Epimax Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Wilmington, NC
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2008/12/30 13:16


bogus wrote:

Then comes the failure that is New Orleans. That city is SO corrupt... it isn't funny. IT is a joke, but not funny. The graft was so bad, they gambled with a cities future for a few bucks in pocket. In that city, everyone in the process took their cut. At the expense of preparation.

In hindsight, I don't blame the failure of NOLA on Bush. I blame that on the city itself. If they had done their job right, the damage would not have been nearly as severe. I feel there were things that FEMA and the Bush admin could have done better, no question. But that comes from experience and learning. I hope FEMA has learned. However, the city was a massive booby trap... and it's one that has been set for 200 years.

I couldn't agree more. Born and raised in La, and so many people knew this would happen eventually. Corruption is king, especially in NOLA. Yet, guess who gets re-elected as Mayor?
Posted on: 2009/4/27 10:27
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TommyT-Bone Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Chair-man of the bored
Homestead USA
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2007/12/10 0:00

The HIV presentation was made more to demonstrate the spread of an infection. The swine flu with it's many points of access is sure to spread nationally. At least I think so. One contaminates another and so on and so on and so on.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 12:24
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00

If every individual took some responsibility for their basic hygiene, we would decrease the spread of communicable diseases like influenza.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 15:08
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Sweet90 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Edmonton, Alberta
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2009/2/10 19:32


bastet44 wrote:
If every individual took some responsibility for their basic hygiene, we would decrease the spread of communicable diseases like influenza.

But in the real world, never gonna happen

Posted on: 2009/4/27 15:20
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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San Diego, CA
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bastet44 wrote:
If every individual took some responsibility for their basic hygiene, we would decrease the spread of communicable diseases like influenza.

If my boss gave us sick days instead of requiring us to use vacation time, we wouldn't go to work sick and infect everyone else.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 15:27
1985 Z51, ZF6
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00


CentralCoaster wrote:

If my boss gave us sick days instead of requiring us to use vacation time, we wouldn't go to work sick and infect everyone else.

I completely agree. Priorities are screwed up.

If you come in sick - your productivity goes down. You make others sick, their productivity goes down. Who benefits?

Companies that offer bonuses to employees who don't take sick days really need to rethink that policy.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 15:39
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00


bastet44 wrote:
I completely agree. Priorities are screwed up.

If you come in sick - your productivity goes down. You make others sick, their productivity goes down. Who benefits?

Companies that offer bonuses to employees who don't take sick days really need to rethink that policy.

Thats good for big companies, yet small businesses and others that can't afford the overhead had to make due. Even some of the government offices have cut back so far that employees are unable to keep with with their backlog.

The japanese and other asian communities have a good idea of wearing masks when out in public. Maybe this will be an answer in our economic climate.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 17:27
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BrianCunningham Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Boston, MA for the most part :)
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2007/12/30 0:00

They showed kids coming back from spring break in Mexico this morning.

Nothing was said to them the whole time they were down there.

Guess they wanted their business.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 17:46
Polo Green 95 LT1 6-spd
383 LT1/Vortech Supercharger/AFR heads/Rod end suspension/Penske-Hardbar dual rate coilovers/Wilwood 6pot brakes
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pianoguy Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Posted on: 2009/4/27 18:40
1996 LT4

�Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.�- Jack Handey
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itlgo2 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2006/7/2 0:00

Wash you're hands, best advice given.

I just returned from Cancun.

would i got back tomorrow....yes sir in a heartbeat.

the media over does everything, I didn't even know

we were in a recession, until i saw it on ...TV.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 22:15
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bastet44 Re: Mexican Swine Flu
San Pedro, CA
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2005/9/9 0:00


The japanese and other asian communities have a good idea of wearing masks when out in public. Maybe this will be an answer in our economic climate.

Culturally, these individuals wear masks when they are sick, and do not want to spread the germs. For the good of the many.

To wear a mask to prevent illness in this type of situation has proven not effective. The most common problems are that people do not know how to wear a mask properly, and when they do wear, it creates this feeling of invincibility and they end up slacking on other precautionary/prevention actions.

The fact that the government in Mexico is giving out masks to the general population appalls me. It goes against science.

I saw a phote of a couple in Mexico wearing masks, yet they were 'kissing' through their masks. Once a mask gets wet, it's useless.

In addition hygiene, if someone around you is sniveling, sneezing, coughing, etc, stay at least 3 feet away from them.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 22:52
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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2005/9/16 0:00

Whatever. A mask is still going to help even if it is worn or used incorrectly. Since the primary vehicle for spreading this bug is uncovered coughs and sneezes or by touching your mouth or nose with unwashed hands.

If it saves just one life then it will be worth it.

I'm not going just sit around and wait for the f'n govt to save me.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 23:42
As democracy is perfected, the POTUS represents more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a fool and narcissistic moron.
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

For the next 4 weeks I'm working downtown. The main guy helping me just got back from vacation in Puerto Vallarta and he's a bit "under the weather." He actually lives in TJ. My g/f has the sniffles and asked me about it. I told her she's got a severe case of hypochondria.

The WHO says the swine flue mortality rate is currently 1-3%. Typical flu seasons have a mortality rate of 0.1%. That's internationally. The influenza/pneumonia mortality rate in the U.S. is typically about 0.02%. I'll attribute that to better hygiene and access to health care.

So far the swine influenza rate is at 0% in the U.S. If the different influenza rates are used as a model, the swine flu could be guesstimated at 0.4%. In other words, if you're in a room with 250 random infected people, one of them will die. Will it be you?

I guess time will tell what it peaks at. I'm going to take a wild guess that it will fall well short of what the media outlets want you to think.
Posted on: 2009/4/28 0:56
1985 Z51, ZF6
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

They closed a private school 2 blocks from my house. They say they diagnosed a 7 year old with swine flu there.

As a precaution, they say to avoid kissing farm animals for 10 days.
Posted on: 2009/4/28 5:42
1985 Z51, ZF6
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BrianCunningham Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Boston, MA for the most part :)
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2007/12/30 0:00

City next to me just confirmed a case.

Media is in full panic mode.


CentralCoaster wrote:
They closed a private school 2 blocks from my house. They say they diagnosed a 7 year old with swine flu there.

As a precaution, they say to avoid kissing farm animals for 10 days.

Now they're just messing with your love life.
Posted on: 2009/4/28 12:22
Polo Green 95 LT1 6-spd
383 LT1/Vortech Supercharger/AFR heads/Rod end suspension/Penske-Hardbar dual rate coilovers/Wilwood 6pot brakes
NCCC Governor:
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Elite Guru
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2005/9/16 0:00

It was once said that a black man would be president "when pigs fly"

Indeed 100 days into b hussain obama's presidency......"swine flu"

Posted on: 2009/4/30 5:05
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Matatk Re: Mexican Swine Flu
SW Chicago Burbs
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2008/1/7 0:00

Just closed 3 school around me with a total of 8 suspected cases here in IL. Oh well.

When I called the drs office yesterday to make an appointment for the wife the girl goes "have you traveled outside of the country in the last week?" I said no, we don't have the swine flu.....she pauses and goes...uh, I had to ask. Is that really what is on everyone's mind? Instead of telling proper hygiene techniques the news is hellbent on causing a mass fear of this flu. Ugh.

Posted on: 2009/4/30 11:34
2002 EBM convertible, Magnusson supercharger, cam, headers, etc.
1989 Corvette...RIP
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Epimax Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Wilmington, NC
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2008/12/30 13:16


Matatk wrote:
Just closed 3 school around me with a total of 8 suspected cases here in IL. Oh well.

When I called the drs office yesterday to make an appointment for the wife the girl goes "have you traveled outside of the country in the last week?" I said no, we don't have the swine flu.....she pauses and goes...uh, I had to ask. Is that really what is on everyone's mind? Instead of telling proper hygiene techniques the news is hellbent on causing a mass fear of this flu. Ugh.


That's exactly right, IMO. They're going to stir it up, get everybody scared, and then 'not let a good crisis go to waste'....Wait and see.....
Posted on: 2009/4/30 12:40
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BillH Re: Mexican Swine Flu
The Stig Moderator
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2007/12/25 0:00

Now, I'm really scared.

I went to Sam's Club yesterday, wore my Tyvek car painter's suit with hood and booties, wore my full face helmit.

I bought 100 cases of Raman noodles, 3,000 gallons of distilled water and 2,000 rounds of 9mm ammo.

I'm back home now, I'm safe and waiting for the world to end in Dec. 2012 cause NostroDumbAss told me so.
Posted on: 2009/4/30 14:45
Every man dies but not every man lives.
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Senior Guru
San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

I want to get 50 people together wearing tyvek suits and gas masks and walk around downtown, equipped with some type of meter and wand that makes clicks and whistling sounds.
Posted on: 2009/4/30 16:45
1985 Z51, ZF6
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JrRifleCoach Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Elite Guru
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2005/9/16 0:00

Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not recommend taking any commercial flight or riding in a subway car “at this point” because swine flu virus can spread “in confined places.” A little more than one hour later, Biden rushed out a statement backing off.

“I would tell members of my family — and I have — I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now,” Biden said on NBC’s “Today” show.. “It’s not that it’s going to Mexico. It’s [that] you’re in a confined aircraft. When one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft.

Hey Joe! Thats thinking outside the box!!
Posted on: 2009/4/30 18:14
As democracy is perfected, the POTUS represents more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a fool and narcissistic moron.
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Senior Guru
San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

That sucks. I guess Joe the Politician will just have to fly his private jet instead.
Posted on: 2009/5/1 1:24
1985 Z51, ZF6
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C4FUN Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Guru Newb
Lost in San Diego
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2008/2/12 0:00

Ya' gotta' love Joe Biden. Anytime there's a microphone in his presence, there's a strong possibility that he'll say something that he probably shouldn't.
Posted on: 2009/5/1 21:08
1990 convertible. Battered, bruised, and frequently abused. The car is too.
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BrianCunningham Re: Mexican Swine Flu
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Boston, MA for the most part :)
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2007/12/30 0:00

Waiting for them to get out the bioharzard suits ... 05/flight_diverted_1.html

Flight diverted to Boston after passenger complains of flu

(Wendy Maeda/Globe Staff)

By Martin Finucane, Globe Staff

A United Airlines flight from Munich to Washington has been diverted to Boston's Logan International Airport because a female passenger complained of flu symptoms, an airport official said.

Flight 903, a 777 containing 245 passengers and 16 crew, has been isolated in the north cargo area of the airport, said airport spokesman Phil Orlandella.

One patient was removed from the plane and was being taken to Masachusetts General Hospital, said Jennifer Mehigan, a spokeswoman for Boston Emergency Medical Services. The other passengers are expected to stay on board and continue to Washington after refueling, airport officials said.

A United Airlines spokesman didn't immediately return a message seeking comment. Flight 903 left Munich at 5:32 a.m. Eastern time, headed for Dulles International Airport outside of Washington. It arrived in Boston at 1:46 p.m, according to the airline's website.

Television footage showed the plane on the airfield with its forward door open and firefighters and other emergency workers conferring at the top of rolling stairs, with an ambulance parked at the bottom. A refueling truck was parked nearby.
Posted on: 2009/5/1 21:20
Polo Green 95 LT1 6-spd
383 LT1/Vortech Supercharger/AFR heads/Rod end suspension/Penske-Hardbar dual rate coilovers/Wilwood 6pot brakes
NCCC Governor:
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CentralCoaster Re: Mexican Swine Flu
Senior Guru
San Diego, CA
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2007/10/28 0:00

If some bitch in her paranoia caused me to be stuck on a plane for 4 extra hours, she'd be complaining about more than flu symptoms.

She'd be complaining about asphyxiation symptoms from me choking her with my headphone cable.
Posted on: 2009/5/2 3:09
1985 Z51, ZF6
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