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Re: Flexible Friday Inauguration DayChat 01.20.17
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Twas the night before Christmas, and up in the tower,
The Donald reflected on his newfound power.
The conservative masses had come out in force,
And delivered a victory that would chart a new course.

The snowflakes were shell-shocked with tears in their eyes,
The media lied to them . . . What a surprise.
They had been promised a Hillary win,
But the criminal Clinton took one on the chin.

And though from all corners celebrities flew,
They made no impression, for they hadn’t a clue.
They talked about climate, racism, and such,
And they made up good stories . . . But didn’t know much.

The fake news and ignorance came at a cost,
And they can’t understand all the reasons they lost.
They blame it on Comey and Bernie and Vlad,
But fail to acknowledge the one that was bad.

Yes, Hillary Clinton, in many ways flawed,
Was her own biggest hurdle toward getting the nod.
The campaign exposed her corruptness and greed,
And her speeches were punch-less as ten dollar weed.

So out in the streets there arose such a clatter,
It was Soros-paid protestors and Black Lives Matter.
With cities to pillage and windows to smash,
They knew not the issues, but needed the cash.

Eight years of Obama had given them cause,
To expect a replacement of their Santa Claus.
But soon the protestors will feel the pain,
When the wheels fall off of the old gravy train.

And now all the snowflakes are riddled with fear,
Upset and offended by things that they’ll hear.
The cocoa and crayons will help for a while,
But fact-based opinions will soon cramp their style.

I originally supported, and voted, for Cruz,
In the end, I would vote for whoever they choose.
He wasn’t my first choice, but soon I would cede,
The one they call Trump is the one that we need.

I saw him on TV in front of a crowd,
He spoke about veterans, it made me feel proud.
He spoke about energy, safety, and jobs,
Taking this country back from the Washington snobs.

He was dressed in Armani, all tailored and neat,
And the Brunos he wore made the outfit complete.
For a man of his vintage, he seemed rather fit,
And he looked presidential, I have to admit.

His eyes glowed like embers, his smile was the best,
And his hair was the color of my old hunting vest.
His love for this country was on full display,
And his actions spoke louder than his words could say.

He thanked all his voters, and before he was gone,
Saved thousands of jobs while Obama looked on.
The fate of this country left nothing to chance,
So, he filled out his cabinet weeks in advance.

The men he had chosen were of the same mind,
Let’s set the bar high, and not lead from behind.
He picked up his phone as he rose from his seat,
With a flick of his finger, he sent out this tweet;

“Now Mattis!, now Kelly!’ now Sessions! And Pruitt!
On Perry! On Flynn, You’re the ones who can do it.
Start lifting restrictions and building the wall,
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”;

The roar of his audience rose from the stands,
He kissed all their babies and shook all their hands.
He answered their questions and calmed all their fears,
They knew it would be a fantastic four years.

Then he jumped in his limo, and off to his jet,
A fellow that Liberals won’t soon forget.
He sent one more tweet as the evening expired;

Posted on: 2017/1/20 14:09
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

You know how old guys used to love the old luxury tanks.

I was drivin' a C2.

Posted on: 2017/1/14 17:17
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Ultraman wrote:

Bill.... whats up with your back....shoveling snow will do that to me....its the lift and twist thing......mojo on you it getting back to normal....and getting your power back..........

How the hell can you blow out your back by sleeping????
I ain't did nothing to screw it up especially since I refuse to pick up a snow shovel.

The extreme, sharp pain is gone, just hurts bit now.

The power was out for about 18 hours.

I put 2 nice wide ruts in the driveway with the one wheel drive Silverado.

Posted on: 2017/1/14 17:15
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
The county still hasn't plowed the streets here, drive a mile over to the main road and the road's totally dry.

The inauguration's gonna be fun, can't wait to see the lib protestors come up against the Bikers for Trump's "Wall of Meat".

Posted on: 2017/1/14 15:26
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Re: Where did the week go Friday Chat 01.13.17
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

GRIS wrote:


Started snowing Tues. afternoon, , Wed. at 1 a.m. the power went out (all of South Reno), only dropped to 60 in the house by morning but when I went to get up, my back was out and I haven't had a Fn' back pain in 30 years. Extreme pain, got the generator out but couldn't bend over and pull the starter hard enough to start it.
It hadn't been run in 3 years, neighbor came home at lunch and started it on 2 pulls.
Power came back on Wed. night.

And the county still hasn't plowed out street, over a foot with big ruts, cars getting stuck. But I can look over at the main road nd cars are doing 60. We get 1 in. of snow nd they plow the street now, the plows disappeared. Go figure.

Posted on: 2017/1/13 18:43
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

I know what you mean Bill I never let any vinyl touch my ...........Never mind ...........

I was talking about the outside of the car NOT sitting naked in the front seat.

Posted on: 2017/1/11 3:46
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

vetteblondie wrote:
Mine isn't airbrush but photoshop -
You would not believe the people that come in here and can't understand why I can't take a 2,000 hour airbrush job and replicate it on something in 4 hours....seriously....
I do take multiple photos and use parts of each and blend, blend, blend... layer, layer, layer, effect, effect, effect... etc. that hood is several images and several reproductions and parts of images

Nice hood Letty. And I understand the talent it takes.

Just for me, personally, I'd never allow anything vinyl on one of my cars(except for the numbers on a race car). I remember a VERY long time ago getting really pissed when I saw a dealer put a vinyl pin stripe on a car.
It's gotta be paint.

Posted on: 2017/1/10 22:29
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

vetteblondie wrote:

BillH wrote:

Nice. reminds me of the hood I did for my BF. Has about 8 skulls hidden in flames that start with blue and fade to orangy/red for his black Camaro SS.

The car owner is friends with Mike L (Laveil (spelling).
Probably the best airbrush artist in the country.
He's the guy who invented "True Fire"

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Posted on: 2017/1/10 20:19
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

pianoguy wrote:
This is for those of my older generation who do not really comprehend why Facebook exists. Presently, I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles. Therefore, every day I go down on the street and tell the passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel, what I have done the night before and what I will do tomorrow night. Then I give them pictures of my family, my dog and me gardening and spending time in my pool. I also listen to their conversations and I tell them I love them. And it works. I already have 3 persons following me: Two police officers and a psychiatrist.

If you add the weather to that...........wouldn't you have CG "Off Topic" ????????

Posted on: 2017/1/10 16:22
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

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Posted on: 2017/1/10 15:43
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Posted on: 2017/1/10 15:31
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

GRIS wrote:


Me 2.

Shouldn't have made the joke about a blizzard yesterday.

The truck drivers probably aren't happy, they were told that I80 (the only easy way to get to Ca.) would be closed for 2 days due to a mudslide. The crews got the road opened in one day.
Now I80's closed due to blizzard and whiteout conditions.

The forecast for Lake Tahoe at 6,200 ft. is 7 feet of snow in the next 2 days. Donner Summit on I80 is 1,000 ft. higher.

But the forecast for here today is 50 degrees.

Posted on: 2017/1/10 15:18
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Clem Clemson was one of the Beverly Hillbillies, right?

Posted on: 2017/1/10 15:08
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The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
My roof quit leakin' when the blizzard hit.

Well, actually, the rain stopped about 3 a.m., it was nice in the morning, had to turn the heat off in the pickup.
Then it cooled down, snowing hard sideways, probably won't lay down more than an inch or so.

But it won't matter, tomorrow - 50 degrees while the next storm hits for 1 - 3 days.

The flood wasn't as bad as the one in 2005 though some homes got hit. The gov. and first responders did good. Citizens too (about 100 volunteers filling sand bags).

Posted on: 2017/1/10 1:25
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

She will drive faster, up to 125. Not me.

125 is fun............if you're going thru a big ass corner.

125 in a straight line is one handed driving while you pick your nose with the other.

Posted on: 2017/1/9 2:37
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Lots of roads closed down in the valley and in Reno, some evacs and flooding already. Supposed to crest by midnight but probably 2-3 more days of rain.

Surprising how large the flood warning area is, just guessing but I'd say it's at least 100 miles north of Reno and 200 miles south of Reno.

Damn glad I live up in the foothills.

Posted on: 2017/1/9 1:45
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

Not being a smart ass ..... Sorry to hear this, Bill.


Ain't jack I can do about this until spring. I was up there in the fall, not a cracked tile on the entire roof so, it's the underlayment and flashing. Huge job to pull up the existing tile and fix it.

Never going to finish the 67 if things keep sucking up my Corvette money (like eye surgery and glasses, now the damn roof).

Posted on: 2017/1/9 0:15
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Just saved a bunch of parts on the workbench ( like new expensive cad plated correct bolts ).

That was on the bathroom stack that I fixed about 6 years ago.
Got a funnel clamped above my good maple kitchen cabinets with a hose running into the sink.

32 years here and I've never seen it rain like this.

Posted on: 2017/1/8 22:23
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

pianoguy wrote:
Sheesh, all my pliers fit in one small drawer :-P

R U sayin' your drawers are small ?

Posted on: 2017/1/8 19:16
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Re: Where you at Sunday Chat.....
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Um, rainin'


And an avalanche closed the road to Lake Tahoe. Guess I won't be going up to take a swim.

Posted on: 2017/1/8 19:15
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Re: Synchronicity Saturday Chat 01.07.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

Too much water and something may actually grow in his yard.

never happen.

I have a 50 gal. drum of Spetracide Total Vegetation Killer in the shop to fix those little annoyances.

Posted on: 2017/1/8 2:59
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Re: Synchronicity Saturday Chat 01.07.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
So, they FINALLY put a grand color on a Grand Sport.

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Posted on: 2017/1/7 22:55
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Re: Synchronicity Saturday Chat 01.07.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Ultraman wrote:
Yikes.....SOTC weather.....not good....Tommy can help you with the preparations.....first stock up on beer and get protein about the portable generator? up and ready to run? Start nailing some tin up on the roof to stop the leak....or just goop the hell out of it with latex stuff.....

Those guys are in trouble along the river sounds like....sandbags...?

Hope it goes around you or does not develop like they think it will......

There's always beer, the generator's sitting in the downstairs living room beside a table saw, a band saw a '72 Yamaha and a bar covered with Corvette parts. The generator's not fueled but there's 5 gal. in the shop.

Tin don't work on top of shingles/tile and it's kinda hard to nail thru 3/4 in. thick concrete roof tile.

So, to get to the leaks I'd have to pull up about 20 roof cap tiles then, pull up 50 to 60 big concrete tiles, then goop but that goop won't hold long or pull the 1x2 batons that the tile gets nailed to pull up the tarpaper then, flash and goop everything correctly.
Not a job to do in a 30mph wind and heavy rain.

There's at least 15 places to pick up sandbags.

Posted on: 2017/1/7 22:52
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Re: Synchronicity Saturday Chat 01.07.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Damn, damn, damn

I've never in my life heard of the local government announcing road closures 2 days prior to a weather event but, they are.

May be 'the storm of the century" Sunday nite thru Monday morning.
Predictions are for 4 inches of rain down here and as much as 12 inches over on the mountain. Between that and what it melts in the snow pack, we're in deep shit.

Predictions for the industrial area in Reno beside the Truckee river are 7 feet of water in the buildings.

And my F''in' roof's leaking.

Posted on: 2017/1/7 17:36
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Re: Planning next project
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

hcbph wrote:

BillH wrote:
If you want to set the toe REALLY easy, just make a set of toe plates. Again, it will get you to the alignment shop.

2 steel or aluminum pieces of sheetmetal (even smooth plywood in a pinch). Set up against the tires, on the ground. Only need to be about 8 inches high. Slots cut in both ends about to 1 1/2 in. off the ground. Slots need to be the same height front to rear and the same on both plates and just wide enough to slip a measuring tape thru them.

See the pic, you don't even need the angled part that sits on the floor if you clamp them to the tires of have a helper hold them up against the tire.

Try and keep them off any raised letters on the tire if possible. Measure the front and rear. The front measurement should be shorter than the rear at least 1/8th inch (1/16th toe in per side). Or whatever your shop manual suggests.
If your new rods were the same length, this will get you to the shop.

Full bodied race cars use these all the time at the track when they get the front wheels bumped and have to quickly reset the toe.

Pardon my ignorance, but I've looked at this some and keep coming up with issues. To change the toe rods I'm going to have to put the car up on jack stands to get enough room to work on it. How do you make those plates work with the car up in the air? I could see how this could work if you have a 4 post lift, quick lift or something comparable to get it up on it's wheels but that's not an option I have. Unfortunately I don't have that option, only jack stands or putting the car up on some form of cribbing, but that also will requiring jacking the car up to get them under the wheels. I could see something possible based on my original thoughts, something that bolts onto the hubs and has provisions for the plumb bobs I mentioned and maybe slotted to take tape measures like in those plates shown. Every option I come up with requires jacking up the car to be able to get under it.

What am I missing here?

First the angle on those plates does not go under the tire, they're just held against the tire with a clamp or by hand.
So, putting them back on and getting ready to measure takes about a minute.

You're absolutely right about jacking the car up to make a change. After you make a change, the car must be rolled 4 feet back then, 4 feet forward. This is done to take out the additional camber in the tires that happens when you let the jack down.
This is done every time you jack up the car. No matter what adjustment you make, the car has to be rolled before you take another measurement,

If you go to a retail alignment shop, you should see the tech roll the car every time he jacks it up.

When I do an alignment and corner weights on a race car, I roll the car back and forth from 10 to 40 times.
Take the gauges off, adjust, roll it, measure and do it over and over.

Plus, every adjustment you make could affect the other measurements. Change camber and you may also change the toe.
That's why you have to do a final measurement on everything.

Posted on: 2017/1/7 17:28
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Re: Thuuurrrrrsssday Chat 01.05.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:
See! All it takes to make BillH nauseous is a little John Denver or Glen Campbell.

Posted on: 2017/1/5 17:23
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Re: Thuuurrrrrsssday Chat 01.05.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

istter1 wrote:

The head light on my gmc Denali 2500 is out. It is a pain in the mass to mess with I am going to drop it off at dealer .

Unless they have changed from 2000, it takes about 30 seconds to pull the headlight out to access the bulb. Just pull 2 pins and the headlight will be loose and can be pulled up to get the bulb out.

Posted on: 2017/1/5 16:38
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Re: Thuuurrrrrsssday Chat 01.05.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

This should get BillH's attention ..........

U R such a girl.

News: The Tesla GigaFactory in Reno started battery production last month.

Panasonic (partnership) was hiring here in the beginning of December. People employed in the factory may top 6,000 by next year.

The factory has the capacity to DOUBLE the amount of lithium ion batteries produced in the entire world, bringing the prices down.

I been playin' at Joe's (his shop's heated), totally revamping the 64. He got rid of the white Autometer gauges (sold for $250, probably cost $1,000) and went back to stock. Putting on disc brakes F & R. Replacing the entire car's wiring harness. Interior is totally gutted.

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Posted on: 2017/1/5 15:30
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Re: Planning next project
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
If you want to set the toe REALLY easy, just make a set of toe plates. Again, it will get you to the alignment shop.

2 steel or aluminum pieces of sheetmetal (even smooth plywood in a pinch). Set up against the tires, on the ground. Only need to be about 8 inches high. Slots cut in both ends about to 1 1/2 in. off the ground. Slots need to be the same height front to rear and the same on both plates and just wide enough to slip a measuring tape thru them.

See the pic, you don't even need the angled part that sits on the floor if you clamp them to the tires of have a helper hold them up against the tire.

Try and keep them off any raised letters on the tire if possible. Measure the front and rear. The front measurement should be shorter than the rear at least 1/8th inch (1/16th toe in per side). Or whatever your shop manual suggests.
If your new rods were the same length, this will get you to the shop.

Full bodied race cars use these all the time at the track when they get the front wheels bumped and have to quickly reset the toe.

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Posted on: 2016/12/31 15:44
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Re: Planning next project
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

hcbph wrote:

BillH wrote: The angle gauge on the rotor could help but doing the thin with bolts thru the old rods and setting the new ones to the same length would be the way I'd go. And I'd change the toe rod at the same time.

The new ones and old camber bars aren't 'quite the same' setup. The old ones have adjustors on the center end of the arm, a concentric washer that's adjusted to set the angle while the new ones have a heim joint on each end. Not sure if they are short enough to use with that adjustable washer or not or even if I want to do it that way. The new one has a replacement plate that centers the bolt and does not have that adjustable washer. That's where I was thinking if the knuckle was supported and the angle and if using the plumb bobs line up after the swap out then it should be in the same position or pretty darn close.

You guys have given me some good stuff to think about. Leaning more to doing the camber rods then run it a little and then touch the toe bars. I'm wondering if I could back it up on some ramps if I could do some measuring and swap out the toe bars without touching anything other than swapping them out assuming I can get a 'slip on' fit as long as the car is supported on the wheels and hasn't moved? If nothing can move, seems like it might be an easier solution to get it close initially but still thinking it through.

Yea, the washer/adjuster.
Rather than messing with the plum bobs I would.

Measure the ride height with the car on the ground, doesn't need to be extremely precise. Measure from the fender lip down to the centerline of the wheel/hub.

Put it on jackstands, pull the wheels, put your mag angle gauge on the rotor. Jack the bearing hub up to the ride height you measured (should just barely come off the jackstand), read the angle,unhook the spring, Check to see if the angle is close to the old measurement.
Pull the old rods, adjust the ne camber rods for a slip fit.
Hook up the spring, jack up to ride height and check the angle.
This should get you close enough to drive to the alignment shop.

Posted on: 2016/12/31 15:27
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Re: Planning next project
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

hcbph wrote:
Thanks for the info. This is a first time for me so every piece of info is good. Problem I could think of while changing the camber rods out, with the spring hooked up, when the arm comes off wouldn't the knuckle try to swing on me? I would assume it's not a problem with the toe rods but the camber rods would scare me. Maybe it's not a problem but need to think that through first.

You got me to thinking on one thing though. I have a magnetic angle gauge. While doing the camber rods, might help make it easier to insure the angle is right if it's attached to the rotor while changing out the camber arms.

Oh yea, I was just talking about alignment, you do have to drop the spring to install.

The angle gauge on the rotor could help but doing the thin with bolts thru the old rods and setting the new ones to the same length would be the way I'd go. And I'd change the toe rod at the same time.

Your alignment must be done with the full weight of the car on the ground. And you have to roll the car back and forth before starting and after each adjustment.

The only time you do any measurements with the spring unhooked is when your working on bump steer and that's a whole different world, generally not necessary on a street car.

Posted on: 2016/12/30 17:37
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Re: Planning next project
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
It's way easier to go to Sears, buy an eight inch digital level, cut a piece of 1 inch square tubing about 15 inches that fits on the wheel lip. The magnetic base of the level will stick to the square tubing, = instant camber gauge plus a tool that can be used on other projects.

Rough toe can be set with 2 string lines hooked to 2 jack stands. The strings need to extend a foot or so past the car so you can measure the distance between them, they should be as parallel as possible and measuring out to each string from the centerline car helps. 20 minute set up.
Then you can measure toe with a steel rule to the tires.

Doing the adjustments with the spring unhooked will screw up everything.

If adjustments are made with the car jacked up, you must roll the car back and forth about 10 feet to take out the camber gain in the tires that happened when you let the jack down.

I use string lines all the time.

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Posted on: 2016/12/30 15:18
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Re: Thursday Chat 12.29.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Ultraman wrote:
...only 350,000 bucks a copy.....


Add %150,000 to than and you could buy that white Porsche I posted at the end of that thread.

Posted on: 2016/12/29 23:35
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Re: Thursday Chat 12.29.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

TommyT-Bone wrote:

Ultraman wrote:
...yowzer.....I think that may take a bit more money then I have left....What are those cars going to sell for do you think?

The turbos? Anywhere from 75 to 150 I'm thinking. (Big spread. Pedigree, history and so on.) The 72? I'll take a guess at around 40. A guess mind you. Florida is a great place to sell a Porsche. ... 3922859-porsche-porn.html

Posted on: 2016/12/29 16:01
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Re: For sale at Mecum 2017 in Florida
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

bogus wrote:

rarity and provenance... remember, this was a FACTORY built hot rod. Not a normal race car converted from a street car.

Real race cars are valuable... think Cobra, Ferrari, Porsche... those sports racers are seriously valuable.


Guess I should have bought one of those from Dave, probably about $1,000 back then.

But, I also should have bought this when it was offered to me for $1,800.

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Posted on: 2016/12/28 14:52
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Re: For sale at Mecum 2017 in Florida
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

j3studio wrote:

The estimate is $750,000 to $850,000. I'll be surprised if it sells at around that price, if only because race car prices always seem soft—even for the best examples.

Yea, real doubtful.

Posted on: 2016/12/26 1:37
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Re: For sale at Mecum 2017 in Florida
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
There were quite a few of these thru the years.

This is Dave and Grumpy with an earlier car.

I was in Grumpy's shop many times.

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Posted on: 2016/12/25 23:52
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For sale at Mecum 2017 in Florida
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
My cousin Dave's car,
A very original preserved car.

Posted on: 2016/12/25 15:38
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Re: Ford Marketing
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

j3studio wrote:


BillH wrote: The GT's a good looking car. I think I'd rather have my buddies though. I'd trade my '92 for it.

That is the correct color scheme. I'll bet Ford is holding that back in case they need to goose sales a couple of years down the road.

On the last year of the second GT40 (maybe 2006) the Gulf color scheme was a $10k option
Now, those cars are 25% higher in price than the other colors.

I don't think the Ron Fellows decals are going to do that.

At a base price, starting at $400k, I'd be looking to buy a 2005 for $50k and a couple nice C2's

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Posted on: 2016/12/25 0:11
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Re: Ford Marketing
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
The GT's a good looking car.

I think I'd rather have my buddies though.
I'd trade my '92 for it.

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Posted on: 2016/12/24 20:57
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Re: Merry Monday Chat 12.19.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

teebee wrote:
That's cool, but I don't have room for anything like that in my garage..

One garage to work in, one garage with a bar, lounge show off your latest build:

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Posted on: 2016/12/19 21:56
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Re: Merry Monday Chat 12.19.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702
Um, for Christmas??

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Posted on: 2016/12/19 18:48
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Re: What day is it? Thursday Chat 12.08.2016
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

teebee wrote:
My first thought when I read Scott Pruitt, was the race car driver. There was a race driver by that name wasn't there?

Make that "Race Car Champion"

I raced against him in Karts in the early years.

Not only did he win the 12 Hours of Sebring, he won the 24 Hours of Daytona 4 times.

And he won the GTS class at the 24 Hours of Lemans driving a C5R with Ron Fellows and Johnny O-Connell.

Posted on: 2016/12/8 18:25
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Re: Wombat Wednesday 11.30.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Posted on: 2016/11/30 16:26
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Re: Louis Hit 50k Today ...
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

j3studio wrote:

Well, the engine is "almost broken in" then.

When you hit 100k, a used car salesman would call it a "low mileage" car.

The LS3 will last 4x longer easily, my early version (Vortec 5.3) is at 194,000, uses no oil, etc.

Surprising about the steering wheel but it's an easy fix.


Posted on: 2016/11/29 15:28
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Re: Sanctimonious Sunday Chat 11.27.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Ultraman wrote:
I still have most of my Pioneer stuff from 74 when I bought it........had the receiver in the garage playing an oldie station for 20 years straight until it started acting up but I still got it stored away.......can't remember what the speakers were though.......

Along with my Bose 901's, I also had a double stacked Advent set of 4 speakers. Those were a big deal in the stereo magazines at the time (actually sounded better than the Bose). ... -advent-system-22979.html

I had a boatload of money is stereo stuff.

Back then, I was looking for a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls but couldn't find them used. They were about twice the price of the 901's which retailed for $1,800 without the stands.

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Posted on: 2016/11/27 16:44
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Re: Sanctimonious Sunday Chat 11.27.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

teebee wrote:
Souds like a nice score Tommy. I still have my old Technics receiver, turntable and tapedeck. Don't use them, but still have them. Still use my Bose 301s, always wished I could afford 901s.

I paid $375 for my mint condition 901's in 1979.

Then bought a Yamaha turntable for $1,100.

Posted on: 2016/11/27 15:37
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Re: Thanksgiving Thursday........11-24-2016
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

Ultraman wrote:
Those trains continue to have me shaking my head in amazement.....I would really like to see how he creates those masterpieces.........someone should do a TV show on those.......


Steve now owns Allen Models of Nevada, he probably has $100k in patterns for castings. He builds most of the other stuff, He has to ship the patterns to a founder in Los Angles to have the cast iron of aluminum done,

He also has copies of many of the original blueprints, like from the late 1800's. The engines are almost identical to their original big brothers.

Posted on: 2016/11/24 14:38
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Re: Whoo-Hoo! Wednesday 11.23.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

GRIS wrote:

With a 4 post lift and a hoist frame from Harbor Freight, you can do almost anything.

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Posted on: 2016/11/24 0:23
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Re: Whoo-Hoo! Wednesday 11.23.16
The Stig Moderator
2007/12/25 0:00
From Reno
Posts: 22702

pianoguy wrote:
Those trains make me want to be a kid again.

You'd have to be a REALLY rich kid to play with one.

Posted on: 2016/11/24 0:12
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